Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Gulf pov

I got home, and he directed me to my room, I showered and changed, I saw my cell phone and I had messages from Mew.

I opened the chat.

💬Love I hope you are at home

💬call me when you arrive remember that I love you

💬I miss you I send you lots of kisses.

My heart fluttered, I don't want to continue with this anymore, so the time has come to make Mew out of my life.

I got to the quarter Mild between slowly and there was my brother the same as always.

I sat next to him and took his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Brother from the beginning I promised that the one who made this was going to pay and that I would pay him back, what I made to you, but you know on the way to my revenge I fell in love with him, I'm very sorry to tell you this but I try not to fail you, that's why At the cost of my love for him, I will get him out of my life, because I cannot fail you."

My tears ran down my cheeks, I felt a squeeze on my hand, that was the answer I was looking for to end all this.

The next day I sent a message to Mew and sent him an address to see us at the same hotel we stayed with a week ago together.

I see him arrive all radiant with a beautiful smile that breaks my soul.

"Love" I see that he runs to give me a hug but I push him away instantly.

"What's wrong Gulf, you reject me?"

"I have something to tell you, it is better to end our relationship."

I see mew who is surprised and I see in his eyes that teardrops form.

"But why Gulf, we're fine, if you got upset because Lawan told you something or she came to the company, we won't let her in, or if my way of dressing bothers you, I can change for you, I can fix myself the way you want or Tell me what you don't like about me, but please don't end up with me, I love you."

Those words hurt me, but I have to be strong.

"You know that yes, everything about you bothers me, you thought that I was going to hang out with a 20-year-old boy, of course not, your affectionate way bothers me, it bothers me when you hug me, I don't even like your kisses."

I see the person who became the most important thing in my life cry.

"I'm sorry Mew, but from today I don't want to see you anymore and to make it clear I used you and I had a lot of fun."

"Why are you doing this to me?"

I felt my body tremble.

"Rather, because you did that to my brother, because you hit him, you were responsible for my brother being in that state."

I saw that mew was frozen, I knew that I understood what he was talking about.

"What are you talking about? I didn't know such a thing, I don't even know who your brother is, I didn't know anything."

"save your words, I hate you Mew Suppasit."

"Get out Gulf, you are the one who I never want to see in my life. I hate you, I hate you."

I left the building with a lump in my throat. It's done. Let's go Gulf, feel satisfied you kept what you promised. Maybe you didn't hit him but you did break his heart.

Mew pov

My tears kept coming down. I couldn't believe it. I even thought I was dreaming but this is not real life, it hurts to see the person I love shatter my heart.

I cried and cried and couldn't bear the pain in my heart, I sat on the ground and took my legs and hid my face in them, I felt that my world was collapsing, because I was so stupid to believe in his word, I am such an idiot that I even revealed against my family for love of him.

I felt my stomach turn and felt like throwing up. I fought to bear it, because he wasn't worth my tears, so I got up and walked out and headed home. I fell into a love that meant nothing alone for me and it hurts to be used.


If you find any errors, let me know please 🥺

Updated 3 chapters today 😘

Happy reading 💗


-Hana 💖

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