[Chapter 7]

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We finally reach Zaiden's place and he puts me down on a couch before he turns on the lights and comes back over to me. He pulls up my one leg of my pants and the entire side of my leg is bruised and slightly dark purple. 'What the fuck did you do??' 'I don't know.. It just started to hurt.' 'Just started to hurt when??' '..After I may or may not have fallen, At the gym.' 'You fell? Where??' 'Off the damn treadmill. Usually I can hold on properly.' 'No fucking wonder.' Zaiden wanders off to go grab some Ice and comes back with a few wrapped in a towel and he starts to place them along my leg. I start to flinch a bit more everytime he puts a new one up higher before he starts to look over me more for more injuries. 'What-' 'I'm checking if you hurt yourself more.' 'Why-' 'So I can be the better person and help you heal.' 'Zaiden-' 'Fucks sakes you're not fine. Have you seen your leg and hands?? Just chill, Okay? Now breathe in and out and-' I look down to see a bandage poking out from under his hoodie before Zaiden seems to try and pull the hoodie down but I reach out putting my hand on his arm gently. 'When.. You mentioned you have issues too..' 'I- I- don't.. cut myself..' 'You burn yourself then..?' 'N- No.. I.. I don't really want to talk about it..' '..Please..?' 'I.. have like.. Episodes..' I watch Zaiden's eyes staring down and his arms cross. 'I basically claw myself...' I reach out and take his arm gently before I pull his hoodie sleeve up a bit and stare at the bandage. 'It's really not that bad..' I sigh and lean back staring at his empty ceiling. 'Are.. You okay..?' 'Yeah.. I just..' 'You just..?' 'Nevermind.. It's really stupid..' 'Fine.. At least try to get some sleep.' 'I can't..' 'Why..?' 'I just.. Your, Your ceiling is just empty..' 'Well yeah, My dad would kill me if I put something up there. Well, He'd just be pissed cause he's afraid to keep the house looking more professional.' 'I just don't really want to look at you right now..' I cover my face remembering the nightmare trying not to cry again. Zaiden seems to stay quiet for a bit. 'Why.. not?' 'I just.. I'm kind of.. Sensitive right now..' 'Okay.. But uhm. Atleast try and get some sleep. It's really late.' Zaiden get up and walks off and I stare back at the ceiling as I start to Doze off again. I start to wake up to the smell of food and I sit up slowly still exhausted. I yawn and stretch before I flinch a bit at my side. I lift my shirt and realize my side is as bruised as my leg so I sigh and pull my shirt back down ignoring it. 'Morning sunshine.' I jump and fall off the couch before I look up to see.. Zaiden?? No it can't be Zaiden he looks way too old.. 'When I heard Zaiden got a boyrfriend I didn't think-' 'Dad, I did not get a boyfriend I swear-' 'Hey I'm just teasing.' Zaiden walks over and helps me back  onto the couch. 'Ash, My dad, Dad, Ash.' 'You let the poor guy sleep on the couch-' 'Look, It was late I didn't think it through.. I was going to move him to a room but..' Zaiden looks over at me slightly akwardly and I just stare down. 'Trouble in paradise?' 'Dad!' 'What? I'm just saying, y'know I'm fine with it-' I watch Zaiden walk off to the Kitchen followed by his dad and I sit there silently before I pull my legs back up to my chest flinching a bit but ignoring my one side. 'Fuck me..' 'Zaiden will gladly-!' 'I-' 'DAD WHAT THE FUCK SHUT UP! This is why I should've moved out!' I sigh and start to get up trying to hold myself up and I start to walk towards the kitchen. 'Hey, I'm.. Going to go. I have a lot of paperwork to do-' 'Ash sit the fuck down I fucking know you're lying.' 'You would know how-??' 'I have the key to your office remember?' 'Damn it..' Nora eventually comes over leaning agsinst me to try and helo me stay upright and I pet her. 'And either way, If you have something to do, I'll bring it here so you can do it without leaving my sight. I'm not letting you walk home like that.' 'I'm-' 'Ash I swear to Aroura-!' 'Fine! Gods you're like my mother.' 'Yeah, Because he picked it up from his mother.' 'Well you did sorts leave me to babysit Lizzy for months alone at a time so.' I sigh amd wabbke my esy bsck to the couch sitting back down before Zaiden brings me a plate of food. 'Oh- No thanks, I'm not-' Zaiden shoots me a glare and I pull my ears back taking the plate and staring at it. 'Just eat something kiddo,You'll feel a lot better afterwards take it from me.' I sigh before I start eating and try to convince myself I'm still hungry when I feel like I'm starting to get sick. 'Don't force it too much or there's no point.' 'Yeah, Just eat it slowly,' '.. I.. Thanks.. But why do you care anyway?' 'You see that idiot on that couch over there who looks so similar to me? That right there is my son, He has put me through hell. That's why.' I put the plate that's still half full down on a small tsbke nearby and I pull my Kneed up to my chest again. 'You shouldn't actually do that, unless you're having a panic attack.  It blocks your airway and causes spinal and breathing issues.' 'I just.. have done it since I was little when I'd feel sick or upset or something..' 'Try not to.' I nod slowly before I look over and Nora who's staring at me amd I let go of my legs leaning back trying not to grab them again so I hug myself and Nora starts to shuffle closer shoving her head underneath my arms while sitting on my lap so I hold her instead and I start to calm down. Its iust been a really fucked up week I guess. 'You two try not to make grandbabies yet, I'm off to work.' 'Dad I will throw you with a knife today!' 'Zaiden who do you think taught you that trick?' Zaiden's dad messes up his hair while he stares at him and I watch as he leaves. 'He seems nice-' 'Shush, Only on days he's not mad at me.' I start to Zone out staring at Nora and I lean against her slightly starting to pass out again before I feel Zaiden picking me up and I jump. 'It's okay it's just me.' He walks over to a room and puts me down on a bed and I cover my face with a pillow. Nora follows closely and jumps in the bed laying next to me and I put an arm around her again. 'At least you're sleeping.' 'Slightly..' Zaiden walks off again and I'm left alone to stare at the ceiling again but this time it's covered in decorations and Galaxy themes. I slowly start to Doze off again and I eventually wake up to find Nora gone. I reach over to my hand and rmthe cast is gone. I can still see the scars from the surgery and I start to feel nauseous from it before I hear a bang. 'Zaiden..??' I slide out of bed and start to limp my way over to the door and when I peek out into the hall, I see the black hooded figure from last night again. But it's just Zaiden right? I start to walk down the hall towards him when I realize he's got a gun in his hand and it's still slightly got smoke from it. I look over to the side slightly to find Nora bleeding out on the floor and I fall back before Zaiden starts to walk closer to me pulling his hood off. When he reaches me he pins me to a wall and grabs my face. 'Look at you. You're fucking pathetic. You couldn't even run on a treadmill or face Zaiden after a little nightmare.' 'Get off me! Get off!!' I shut my eyes and when I look back up it's my father's face again. I start to try and get him off me but I can barely move and I can feel pain shoot through my body before I feel him kissing me again and I try to push him off again before I jolt up and Nora jumps licking my face and I feel myself start to cry again before I feel someone hugging me and I jump back. 'Get away!!' 'Ash..-' 'I said get away!! Please Get away!..' I grab a pillow hugging it and sit on the edge of the furthest back corner before I look down and realize I'm bleeding. I start to panic even more. 'What'd you do to me!? You tried to kill me!' 'Ash I-' 'Go away! I'm going to wake up and you'll be gone! It's just another nightmare- It's a nightmare!!' I get cut off when I feel Zaiden's hands holding me face before he hugs me. I start to calm down and I drop the pillow before I start to hug him hesitantly and I start to cry into his shoulder while he holds me. Nora comes over laying next to us as well and After a good while I finally stop crying just to look back up at Zaiden who slowly lifts up my shirt to find a massive gash. 'Gods.. what the fuck did you do in your sleep..?' I look over to where I was sleeping and it's completely covered in blood before I notice my pocket knife laying open by the sheets end and I realize my hands are also both bloody, even agter I didn't touch the wound since I was clinging to the pillow. Fuck.. Not again.. Not here.. I pull my ears back. 'I'm so sorry.. It's all my fault.. Now everything is covered in blood-' 'Hey, Hey! Look at me, It's fine. I can get blood out of almost anything, It'll be fine. You're fine okay?' Zaiden takes my face again and presses his firehead against mine before het gets up to walk off and go grab something. When het gets back I see a needle and some medical thread before he sits down beside my and I flinch away again. 'It's, Just going to be a little painful but I can't just leave it open.' 'I-.. We can just.. cover it with a bandage and some Gauze.' 'You'd bleed out, it's way too deep.' 'Fi-Fine..' Zaiden moves closer again and starts to stitch the wound shut before I starts to bite down on my teeth trying not to flinch ir move. When he's finally done he forces me to go shower while he goes to replace and clean the sheets. When I get all the blood off I grab the towel he left me and I go over to the bed where Zaiden grabs a bandage and comes over wrapping it around my torso. 'There, I also hid your knife, You won't need it trust me.' I sigh and feel myself shaking before I feel Zaiden hugging me again. I hug him back and he starts to walk off. 'Come downstairs when you're done getting dressed.' 'Okay-' I realize I don't have any clothes so I start looking for my phone and realize I don't have that with me either, so I walk over to Zaiden's closet and steal a pair of his sweat pants and a hoodie before I Limo back downstairs and when I reach it Andrea and Liz are both standing there and Andrea looks pissed. 'Where the fuck have you been!? You went missing! No calls! No texts! Nothing! Just disappeared, then I find out from Zaiden you got into a fight!?' I glinch back and Andrea calms down a bit. 'You scared the crap out of me..' Andrea comes over and hugs me a bit tight and I flinch pushing her off. 'What did I-?' I grab at my stomach realizing it's slightly bleeding through the bandage and onto the hoodie so I panic and take it off. 'You can keep it on it's fine. I don't-' 'no! I've done enough..' 'I- Gods put it back on.' 'No-' Zaiden walks over taking the hoodie and putting it back on me before he hugs him gently. 'I..' 'I don't care that you're bleeding it's not your fault it was bound to happen eventually and you didn't have clothes anyway.' I pull my arms up and start to chew on one of the sleeves staring down at the floor. Gods would he stop being so fucking nice!?

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