[Chapter 9]

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I jolt upright after feeling Nora jump on top of me so I hug her around her neck while she starts licking me and wagging her tail. 'Okay okay! Hi Nora!' I laugh and she finally sits down before I look to the foot of my bed where I notice Zaiden's sitting with his head in his hands. 'Are you alright..?' 'Yea- Yeah. Sorry, Morning.' Zaiden turns to smile at me and sits up on the bed. 'What's wrong?' 'Nothing, I was just going through a few texts with Clide, Tanner Mike and Noah. I'm trying to see is anybody knows anything about that Truce chick.' I nod and look back at Nora. 'Not really necessary. I got all the dirt I need thanks to Andrea.' 'Wait then why don't you just sue her?' 'I didn't think it was needed till yesterday and even then I just.. I worry they're going to favor her over me.. She makes it look so easy to seem innocent...' 'If anything the Judge will favor you. I know what hell you've been through and I'm gonna make sure if she tries anything further, that she loses everything.' I smile and just pet Nora before I crawl over to him and sit on his lap wrapping my arms around him. He wraps his arms around me and kisses my head. 'You promise to stay..?' 'What kind of question is that?? Of course.. Of course, I promise to stay.' I start to hug him tighter and move my hands up and I jump when two wings appear on Zaiden's back wrapping slightly around me. I look up at Zaiden who sighs before Laughing at me while retracting the wings again. 'You- You have wings!?' 'Yeah, Sorry you touched a sensitive spot.' 'Idc Zaiden you have wings!' 'Yeah, I do, Well observed.' 'Quit it be serious.' 'Alright alright, I guess you can say I'm like.. A fallen angel?' 'What!? And you didn't think to mention that before we started dating??' 'Angels aren't seen so no-' 'Zaiden!' 'Omg..' I put me head in my hands and Zaiden laughs again pulling my head up. 'What? Disappointed you have an angel?' 'I- Do not turn this on me!' Zaiden starts laughing again before pulling me back into a hug and kissing my head before I let out a low growl. 'Oh, Alright puppy. I know, It's cause you haven't had food yet. You want waffles?' 'I'm not..-' 'Waffles it is.' Zaiden picks me up dragging me out of bed and when we get to the kitchen he starts grabbing things and puts me down. 'Wait here.' I growl again staring at him. 'Oh, Don't be so grumpy I'm making the waffles. Patience. Haven't you watched Star Wars?' 'No-' 'Fair enough, Not the point though.' 'Can't I just?' 'No, We can get ready for work when you're done eating. Now get the syrup.' After Zaiden makes the food and we both eat, Well, He slightly forces me and I'm convinced I was terrifying but he is an asshole. Sometimes. 

We get to work and I do the same daily routine as usual with the exception of Zaiden taunting me and annoying me constantly. When I get to my computer I go to check my daily mail though and one in particular stands out as It's from an unknown person. I look to the user and the message. "Truce Brians: Hey Ash, As you can see I do know about your work place, Your email, family, I have contacts. If you tell anybody about this I'll make sure You don't last that night, And If you tell Zaiden it'll be the last anybody will see of you. Especially if you take this to the cops. What I want? I want you to come back and help me raise this kid of ours with no questions asked, Or else there will be consequences." I pull my ears back. What do I do..? She's a fucking psychopath... Idk if I should tell Zaiden.. Everything is telling me I should but.. I hear a knock on the door and I jump shutting off the computer and emails.  'Come- Come in!' 'Are you.. Okay?' Zaiden walks in shutting the door. 'I'm- I'm Fine.' 'Clearly not, what happened??' 'I- Nothing.' 'Nothing? Ash, If anybody is scaring you-' 'Zaiden just leave it alone..!' Zaiden glares at me and I sink into my seat. 'Tru- Truce sent me an email...' I pull it onto the screen and turn it to him. 'That-' 'Zaiden just- I don't know what to do! What if she actually does something?? She knows my email! Where I work! Where I live!?' Zaiden hits his hand on the desk making me flinch before He leans on the wall looking in thought. 'Zaiden.. Just don't kill her..' 'Why not?' 'I won't have any proof, It's a burner Email, It's basically untraceable, If you do kill her and they find her..' 'True.. But I got away with it before.. I can do it again.' 'Zaiden..' 'Ash.' 'She has a kid Zaiden.. It might be my kid..' 'Then get the paternity test. We'll see where it goes from there.' I nod and Zaiden walks over to hug me. 'I won't let anything else happen to you.' I hug him back nervously before I sink into his arms. After work, I text Trace asking where her house is and I head over with Zaiden. We knock on the door and she opens it. 'Ash, And.. Zaiden.. what is it?' 'I want a paternity test done.' 'What?? No I-' 'The test, Truce!' Zaiden glares at her and she sighs finally before heading back inside.

A week later we finally get the results of the paternity test, and we decided to take it to court. I don't know why, But it was better since she had threatened me and kept trying to drag me into it. 'Alright, Were here on the case of Truce Brians, Ash stone and little Rian, Brians.' The case takes forever and we both give our sides of the story.. 'Me and Ash were.. only around 18.. 19 at the time.. and we were in a romantic relationship. And He pulled me jnto our biology class one day and, Well..' I saw her eyes well up with tears and I feel myself start to shake so I just lean forward with my head down. 'He forced himself on me.. After that it was quite awkward so we avoided eachother.. then he moved awayand I thought he had gone to collage to come back and help me raise little Rian but he just.. he left me. I tried pleading with him but he wouldn't listen.' 'That's not.. thats not what happened..' I cover my eyes in my hands trying not to cry. Zaiden comes up behind me hugging me. 'Then please give us your side of the story Mister Ash.' 'We were actually 19 and 20.. I had been put into school late due to my abusive father.. Yes I dragged her into biology class, yes I kissed her but no more than that.. I just loved her and wanted affection, but.. She..' I start to shake again feeling lightheaded from the stress and Zaiden Holds me tighter before I take a breath again and back away a bit. 'She said, she wanted us to be closer... I didn't know what she meant until she started to try and take off my shirt.. and.. She was so manipulative with her words.. she just forced it.. Yes I left because I was terrified of her-' 'Your honor objection he's lying-' 'Mrs. Truce please be silent.' 'I did leave and I started my own business. It wasn't until about 2 weeks ago that she found me in the gym, and she.. she told me I had a kid..  then she started following me and sending me threatening emails from a burner account.. so I decided to bring it to court..' 'Mister Ash, If what you're saying is true, you're telling me that Mrs. Truce has committed many crimes, meaning if this child really is yours..' 'If he is I'd be fine with taking him, as long as she stays away from me..' The judge nods and she explains a few more things before she gets the results to read it. 'I need you two to understand. This child is going to either Mister Ash. Or Mrs. Truce.' We both nod and I lean over into Zaiden's chest. 'Alright.. Mister Ash, you're the father..' 'I told you!' 'Mrs. Brians! That is no way to react, especially not after claiming that this man, who just broke down into tears, had raped you at 19.' 'I- I was just-' 'What?? Celebrating?? You're telling me, this is your reaction towards this man?' 'No, I was just trying to..' 'You can't even explain yourself. You are disrespectful. And wuite frankly I've got enough evidence infront of me. Rian brians will now be in the custody of Mr. Ash. Mrs. Brians, you're under arrest. I'm sentencing you, Judging by your list of history to 52 years.' 'No! You can't just take my kid from me!' The cops take Truce before they lead me and Zaiden into a room. I was still hugging Zaiden. They eventually brought a kid into the room and I looked over at him. He looked so much like me.. 'Rian..?' 'Who are you?? What's going on..? And where's my mom..?' 'She's.. going to be gone for a while buddy I'm sorry..' 'who are you..??' 'I'm.. I'm your dad..' 'You're my dad..?' I nod and the kid hesitantly walks a bit closer. 'Who's he?' Rian points behind me. 'That's Zaiden, He's my boyfriend.' 'Oh,' 'I kneel down and stare at Rian's black hair and green eyes. 'Is mommy really gone..?' I nod and after a few seconds Rian comes running over hugging me and I fold my arms around him pulling him into me tightly and Zaiden hugs us both. 'You want to go home?' Rian nods hugging a small teddy he was carrying. I oick him up and zaiden and I head to the car before we buckle Rian in and head home. On the road there, I put my hand on Zaiden's while he drives and Rian stares out of the window most of the ride. I notice him pulling up his legs like mine. 'Hey Rian, You like puppies?' 'Mhm.' 'We have a puppy at home y'know.' 'Really??' 'Yeah and an aunt too.' 'Really!?' 'Yeah, you're going to love them.' 'Heck yes!' I laugh and we finally get home before Nora nearly tackles poor Rian with her love. 'Andrea..' She walks over and looks down at Rian with a hand on her mouth. 'Youbwon..?' I nod and look over at Rian who starts to run off with Nora. 'Hey be careful you two!' Me and Andrea share a look. 'We didn't child proof the house!' Zaiden laughs in the back and me and Andrea stare at him. 'I'll.. Just go get the car ready I guess.' I have a kid.. I actually have a kid.. I still can't believe this is happening.. That day what happemed.. It was traumatizing but Rian.. I can just see myself in him in more than just the looks. I don't want him to go through a similar problem I had. I won't, I'm going to raise him like he deserved to be raised in a loving home. Where he's wanted and knows it. I won't let history repeat itself again.

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