[Chapter 11]

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Someone came in to clean the mess before the man from the meeting came in and he stood at the foot of the bed staring at me. 'Ash, Come on, You don't need to fear me. You're new. You don't understand what is happening. That's alright. I forgive any actions for now. Please don't be scared to come ask me for anything. You have free access to the house and Garden, But do not try to escape. I have security 24/7 ready to stop you. Other than that you may roam as far as you'd like, for as long as you'd like, accompanied or not.' I don't say anything back before he turns and walks out. I follow not long after. Fuck my curiosity. I head over to the front of the house where the big meeting room is and I start to head into another room beside the meeting room. It was a Library. I turn around and look over to where I notice a big hallway leading to a big open space. I head over to it and It's a huge open glass window hanging over the Forest and It's a kitchen and living space with a dining table and an Island. This guy has to be rich.. And what do we know about rich people? They're mad.. I look over and See the man from before talking to Demetri. 'Good, You're out and about. I don't believe I've told you my name. I'm Dean.' Demetri Looks annoyed and stares out the window. I take a step back. 'He's going to be scared for who knows how long. Leave him be.' 'I can talk to him all I want. He's my property and I bought him! I Own him!' He slams his hand on the table and I flinch back. 'You're scaring him. If you want his trust work on your anger. Or rather your Ego.' 'Shut up Demetri! What do you know??' I watch as Dean starts to calm down before turning back to me. 'Look, I'm really not gonna hurt you. You can talk to me..' I shake my head and start to run off hen I run past the Front door again and I go over to it walking outside. I squint my eyes at the sunlight before I look around when my vision goes back to normal. I start to wander around the massive garden, It's actually very beautiful. I eventually bump into Truce again and she grabs me dragging me over to a shed. I back up into a corner and Truce starts walking closer pinning me and kissing me. I try to shove her off but have barely any strength to and I start to cry with panic before the Shed door flies open. 'Truce.' Truce jumps and Bows. 'Ye-Yes Mr. Demetri?' 'You're needed.' He says almost forcefully. before Truce runs off and I sink to the floor pulling my legs up to my chest again. 'It's alright, I'll keep an eye out for you. I won't let anyone harm you, not even my brother.' He walks over and kneels beside me holding out a hand. 'Come on.' I don't know why.. But I took his hand and he helped me up before I hugged him and he moved back a bit before hugging me back. 'I want to go home.. Please let me go home..!' 'I'll get you home.. I promise.. I just need time..' I feel myself lose my balance and Demetri picks me up while I start slightly dozing off again. It's become a habit to Doze off before something bad happens.. When I come back too I'm in my room again. I sit up and stare around me. It's always so clean.. So empty. 'Glad to see you're awake.' I loo over at Demetri. Who was sitting on a chair in the corner reading a book. 'I have something to ask.' I nod my head and stare down at the blankets. 'Do you know Zaiden?' I look up and my ears perk up as Demetri looks at me. 'So you do. Are you two close?' I shake my head and pull my ears back again. 'Well.. He seems to have cared for you quite a bit. Do you even know how long you were gone for..?' I shake my head again. '16 months, almost 17.' I perk my ears up again staring at him. 'Zaiden sent me to find you.. Now I just need to get you out.' Am I.. Still dreaming..? Did he really come to help me? And was it really thanks to Zaiden that he's here..? 'Oh, Don't worry, I wont try anything by the way I'm straight unfortunately. My brother Dean though.. He's a snake.. just be careful around him. I'll try and figure something out as soon as possible, Till then I can only do so much to help you..' I pull my ears back again and lean back on my arms. 'Don't look so down. Dean is rarely home anyway, don't worry. The only problem is the security..' It's then there's a knock at the door and Demetri stares at the door before Dean walks in and he turns back to his book before his brother growls at him. 'I said he's MINE.' 'Possessive much? Relax, I saved him from Truce, I'd fire her If I were you.' 'What are you talking about??' 'Truce just trapped Ash in the little shed if yours up front.' 'What!? Truce!!' Truce Comes nervously shuffling in before I watch as Demetri drags her off. 'Is.. I-Is he going to kill her...?' 'No, Just 'Punish' her. He ties them to a device he uses that causes intense pain from pressure to pressure points.' I pull the blankets up and hug them while staring at the door nervously. Then Dean walks off and leaves and I sit there staring at the window. What feels like hours pass by while I laid on the ground in the sun from the window before it turns night and I hear the doorknob turning and the door opens. Out of instinct I dive to hide under the bed. I hear footsteps walk closer to the bed. 'Ash.. Come here.' I lay still and start shaking again. 'Come on, Don't hide, I'm not here to hurt you.' Suddenly I notice that he bends down and holds out a hand. I hesitantly and shakily take it before he helps me out from under the bed and he cups my face in his hands. I flinch back but her grabs me and puts something around my neck and I feel him pulling my face closer to his kissing me. 'It's only meant for discipline, So don't do anything wrong, And I won't turn on the shock collar.' I lower my ears again and back away from him falling back onto the floor and trying to pull the collar off. 'Now don't be like that.' Dean walks closer and grabs my face with his hand staring at me. 'Let's.. Have a little bit of fun before the real, discipling starts.' 

I lay on the bed staring at the ceiling, Dean is laying next to me holding me with his arm. I'm in a lot of pain and want to cry but I don't want to wake Dean.. I don't want to know what he would do if he sees me cry.. So I shut off. I can't sleep. When the sun finally starts coming up I feel my heart start to beat faster when Dean sits up slightly kissing my neck. 'Good morning.' I shiver and try to pull away but he tugs on the collar pulling me closer. 'Please leave me alone..!' 'Aw, The first time I hear your voice and you ask me to leave you alone? After all we did last night?' I start to push him away and in a few seconds my collar goes off and I feel a stinging burn go through my body. When It stops I start to cry tugging at the collar. Then I see a shadow behind Dean, but only for a moment. It looks like Zaiden... I miss him so much.. Why do I miss him!? I didn't even know him.. Next thing I know Dean is pinned up against a wall. 'Ash run for the door! Don't stop running got it!?' 'I look over to see Demetri staring at me so I just hesitantly get up and start running. Eventually I get outside into the garden, and when I reach the gate someone grabs me. 'Where are you going!?' I don't know what came over me but I felt only rage and I elbowed the guy before staring at him and backing away slightly before continuing to run. I don't know where I was headed but I was just running. Then someone else grabbed me again and I tried to fight back again but I got stopped every try I took. 'Ash, Ash, Ash! Look at me! Look!' I hesitantly look up to see Zaiden's face and I start to stumble back. 'Hey woah! Calm down.. Come here..' No.. No no! My mind is playing tricks on me again. Am I still in that awful place!? Am I dreaming again!? 'No! I don't want to go back! I want to go home! No more of this please..!!' 'Hey, Hey hey! You're okay, you're okay.. Come here..' He pulls me closer and I can finally tell it's actually real. It's not a huge dream. I hug Zaiden back and I start to break down. I shove my face into Zaiden's shoulder and he picks me up putting me into a car and hugging me further while we wait. When Demetri gets to the car he gets in and Zaiden starts to drive off. 'You got him?' 'No, The fucker got away.' 'Damn it.. I'll go chase him tomorrow he can't fucking hide forever.' 'Zaiden are you sure about.. This..?' Demetri starts to look at the two of us and I feel Zaiden's head bobbing in a nod. 'Yeah..' We finally stop and Zaiden carries me into a house before wrapping me in a blanket and hugging me. I feel so safe in his arms.. I don't even know why.. I barely know Zaiden except from my hallucinations.. Why does it feel like he's my one and only..? Zaiden puts a hand on my cheek tilting his head towards mine before moving it downwards to where my collar bone is. When he pulls away the shirt there's a mark there. When did that get there..?? 'It's still there.. Good..' 'What.. is it..?' 'I marked you.. Don't you remember..?' 'You.. You marked me?? When??' Zaiden sighs and Looks at me in my eyes. 'After a week that you had disappeared we started looking for you and after a month I finally fucking found you. I could get to you but there was no way to get you out. There was some sort of barrier, I tried for fucking months but whatever I did I could never get out out of that.. Fucking house..' I watch as Zaiden's eyes start to fill with tears and I feel my hands start to shake again. 'No matter what I did.. Or who I called on.. That son of a bitch did some research apparently. Then I saw how much you were suffering.. I didn't want you to suffer like that.. So I marked you. And I gave you these.. Visions. I made you go to sleep when you were about to feel pain so you wouldn't. So you wouldn't go through that hell.. I couldn't use any of my powers in there.. I tried to fight him by hand, But I still didn't know how to get you out.. When he sold you I knew it'd be the perfect opportunity to grab you. So I waited. Most of the memories you have.. A lot of them are real. But some are distorted. 'No we didn't go on dates.. I wasn't manipulating you I just protected you from those awful memories. You were in your own mind, You said you loved me back the day I asked you.. I told you we're mates. You let me mark you.. I wanted you out so badly.. I swear.. I wanted to protect you I just.. I couldn't..' I watch Zaiden starting to cry and I lean don kissing him. He cups my face and I pull back a bit wiping his tears away before I start to have flash backs again. 

'Ash, Are you doing better?' 'Slightly.. My hands still hurt like hell.' Zaiden holds my hands and I look up at him. 'I'm going to get you out I just don't know when..' 'Take your time.. I don't know why you're even trying I'm a hopeless case, It's been months..' 'Because.. Because I love you okay!? I can't stand to see you suffer.. I can't bare the thought of losing you..' 'You.. Love me..?' 'Yes! I love you.. You're my mate dumbass..' I start to get overwhelmed with tears before I reach my hands up pulling Zaiden closer and kissing him. 'I love you too..' I reach my hands around him to hug him and when I do I watch a pair of wings pop out before he laughs at me. 'Sorry, Sensitive spot.' 'What!? You have wings!' 'Sorry, I'm.. Like a fallen angel.. Though it's not helping me much to get you out of here.. ' Zaiden retracts his wings and I hug him again and we sit there for a while until we hear the door to my father's room upstairs opening. Zaiden Kisses my head before he runs off, with Nora not far behind. Please get me out soon.. The footsteps start to draw closer and my heart starts to beat faster and faster..

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