[Chapter 12]

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Zaiden puts a hand on the collar and quickly rips it off. He puts one hand on my neck rubbing the sore spot on it and it actually starts to help so I lean down and start to fall asleep on his chest. When I wake up I notice an arm around me and I sit up jumping at it. 'No-!' Then I see Zaiden and calm down when he sits up, placing a hand on my face. 'Hey, It's okay. It's just me..' I sigh and hug him as he hugs me back. 'I'm so scared that I'll wake up and this will all just be a dream again..' 'It's not.. It's not a dream..' Nora jumps onto the bed and comes to lay beside me so I pet her and Zaiden gets up heading downstairs. I get dressed and decide to go for a walk, When I get downstairs I greet Zaiden and I go. On my way to nowhere in particular, I walk past hannah's house. Before I got kidnapped, I came to know the house since I had to help her get out a couple of times.. I miss work now too.. I start to head over to the door and I knock. The door takes a bit before it opens and I find Hannah hugging it. 'Hello...?' 'Hannah-' 'Mister Ash! What are.. what are you doing here...??' The light in her face disappears and the door suddenly swings open to reveal Hannah's mother. 'What do you want?? If you're trying to sell us your products were not-!' 'Is there anything I can help you with? I was just checking on Hannah.' 'What?? She doesn't need to be checked on! She's perfectly fine!' She goes to grab Hannah but I grab her hand first and move hannah out of the doorway before hugging her at my side and letting the woman's hand go. 'I've had enough of you, Abusing your daughter. I notice the scars and wounds you leave. Goodluck with cps. I'll be taking Hannah, Until we find a suitable home for her.' 'What!? Don't you dare!! Give my daughter back! Hannah get iver here right now!' Hannah's grip around my leg gets tighter and my grip on her does too before I let out a low growl and backs up. 'You.. You're a beta.. apologies. I.. I didn't know..' 'Regardless if I am a beta, You shouldn't do this to your daughter!' 'You don't understand.. Being a mother is tough-!' 'No! You do not harm a child! There is no reason for you to! So shut the door, and walk away.' The woman stares at me before closing the door and I crouch down to Hannah's level. 'You wanna go get some Ice cream and forget this mess?' Hannah nods hugging me and crying. I hug her back picking her up and go on with my walk. 'Mister Ash..?' 'Hm?' 'Where were you last year..?' 'I was... I was going through something. I'm alright now.' 'Why are there so many scars on you..?' 'Sometimes. We do things, Or things do happen that hurt us. Like how your mommy hurt you. You didn't cause it. But it still happened.' 'Did your mommy hurt you too??' 'Heavens no... thank goodness... My daddy hurt me. But it's all okay now because I'm no longer around him.' 'And I'm not around mommy.' 'Exactly. But not all parents are like that or have to be like that.' 'I'm never gonna be like my mommy.' 'Good.' She hugs me and I hand her an Ice cream before we head home and I leave her with Zaiden so I can go make the call. When I come back downstairs I look over to the kitchen where Zaiden is sitting on the kitchen counter getting makeup done and I sigh. 'Oh hey Ash, Hannah was just showing me how to do my makeup properly for my photoshoots.' 'Oh she was, was she?' I hear a giggle from Hannah and I walk over to them. Hannah, do you know who your dad is?' 'Yeah, He's here too he's really nice, But mommy refuses to let me see him.' 'You want to go live with him instead?' Hannah nods quickly and when CPS arrives I tell them everything and they take her to her dad's place. Zaiden then hugs me from behind. 'I'm headed out for a moment, I'll be back soon alright?' I nod and he leaves. I go over to my room and start to read. Probably not even an hour passes by when I hear the door downstairs open. Yes! Zaiden's home I can annoy him! I get up and head downstairs just to reach the bottom of the stares and stare into my father's eyes. 'You thought you can get away..? You ruined me! You little rat!' I flinch back and start to back away from him but he grabs me pinning me to the wall. 'Let.. Let me go please..!' 'You're going to pay!' I panic and finally kick him off before running upstairs and locking myself in the room. I go to grab my knife. It's still where I left it. I sit against the door shaking. I hear a banging on the door now. 'Ash! Open this damn door before I break it down!!' I can't move.. a few minutes later there's silence then A loud thud. I slowly open the door and see Zaiden standing in the hall with his wings out and staring at my father on the floor. 'Zaiden..?' Zaiden looks back at me and drops a bat he was holding before coming over to hug me. 'Are you okay??' Zaiden's Wings retract and I hug him starting to cry. 'It's okay, I'm here.' 'Make him go away..' Zaiden slowly lets go of me then I watch him grab my father's arm as he stumbles up to his feet. 'Le-Let go of me-!' 'Isn't that what your son asked you to di about a billion times??' Zaiden pins him to the wall. 'He pleaded for you to stop. To leave him alone... So beg.' I feel a shiver shoot through my spine as his harsh words hit even me. My father starts to stammer before Zaiden drags him downstairs and I listen to the front door shutting. I stand there unable to move and trying to figure out what just happened.. When Zaiden gets back it's already 4 hours later and I stare at him. He has brused knuckles and fingers along with claw marks on his arm. 'What did you do..??' 'Made him go away.. Him and Dean.' He answers flatly before he comes over hugging me and I hug him back. 'You're a psycho path..' 'And you're mine. You know you love me.'

Zaiden's pov:

Finally caught that bastard Dean. I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind as soon as I get the chance..As I walk closer to Ash's house I realize the front door is wide open so I start to head jnside to hear screaming and banging. I run upstairs grabbing a baseball bat he keeps near the front door and when I get there Ash's dad is staring at me. I grip the bat tighter. 'Who the hell are you??' 'None of your business.' 'Oh, You must be that Zaiden fellow.. The one Ash was always mumbling about.' I spend no time, hitting him on the head and he falls to the floor and against the wall. I hear Ash's room door open. I can tell he's panicked.. 'Zaiden..?' I drop the bat and walk over to him hugging him to comfort him. I hate when he cries.. 'Make him go away..' I can do that... I slowly let go and Grab his father by the Arm. This will be fun.

After I was finished with both Dean, and Ash's father, aswell as comforting Ash I pull him slightly away. 'I gotta tell you something.' I have to be honest. I can't not be honest with him. 'Ash I'm a gang leader.' 'I know.' 'You know??' 'I figured it out. I'm smarter than I look. 'How?' 'A man called Anubis. You had an Anubis hoodie on that night..' 'which night??' 'That night in my dream. I was being attacked by a group of guys, and you saved me. You were wearing an Anubis hoodie.' He had a dream about me with my hoodie on?? I didn't think he'd pay attention to that.. 'So.. You're okay with it..?' 'I'm fine as long as you stay safe..' I cup Ash's Face in my hands and kiss him. Gods he's perfect..

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