Monday (getting ready for the bus)

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Today, based on Father times prophecy, Mekhi should be back today. We need a plan! And we need to make it fast because we only have about an hour from the time we wake up and have our coffee until the time the bus comes!
Well... We need to take in consideration the possibility he may come with a weapon! If he has a weapon, he could knock us out with it, or worse, kill us with it if it's a gun. I have no clue how he would obtain a gun, so the gun theory of a weapon he would bring is unlikely. But he could bring a baseball bat.
I'd like to see him beat us! I like violence!
You just keep talking violence John?! What if Mekhi attacks you?!
I don't want to be the target of the violence in that case. But if that happens, I will take his weapon and whip him with it until he's dead!
Oh great, now I might have given John the idea to kill Mekhi.
Unless we want to go to jail, that is not on our plan!
I say we should just pray he suspended another day or so so that whatever he's planning can hold off. But Father Time's prophecy proves that him being suspended for another day is unlikely.
He is an idiot. He's crazy and he will attack us. And he's half as beautiful as I am, in fact, he's the ugliest person ever. I'm the most beautiful on the other hand! I do everything for me me me!
The narcissism needs to be put away now!
How about I kick his mo f*****' ass.
Ms. K
Watch your mouth, and there will be no butt kicking! There will be Chromebook losing for the rest of the year and for the rest of the time at PACE though... Depending on how bad his attack is. The staff will probably brief me in because they'll be the first to see it. I'll be in the classroom. But based on Father Time's prophecy, Mekhi will show up, but he won't be in my classroom, he'll be attacking his targets, and then hopefully being taken away by the police afterwards almost immediately. If someone has to be hospitalized, I swear, he will not have his Chromebook for the next two school years, especially if it's one of my students! Provided the principal does not expel him. Because he could have tried to attack over and over and that could lead to him being expelled. The way he's going right now, he could be expelled with a snap of a finger right now. I'm leaving for the school now, so I'll see you guys later, unless anybody has to go home early then I'll see you briefly and then after 3:00 some point when I come back from school from work. Those that stay in the classroom away from his wrath, I will see you all day.
How about we press charges on him.
Ms. K
I'm sure that will be saved for if he assaults us. Now it's time for me to leave and it's almost time for you guys to go get the bus!

The Imaginary Sleepover spinoffs: Mekhi's revengeWhere stories live. Discover now