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War has always plagued the earth and peace was never able to be formed. Perhaps all the atrocities of war would be dealt with better if people were not so self involved. Once upon a time in a land once known as Solis, peace seemed to reign. Yet a single rulers greed ended it all. 

In the empire of Solis, people of all races and religion were allowed to live together in harmony, poverty was minimized and the people were happy, but emperor Tyrannus Solis had feared that a group of people would destroy his own income, due to their acts of charity and their work for the community at large. As such, he did research into this group and found quotes out of context, he used these quotes to place fear into the hearts of his people making this group feel isolated. Then the emperor made an accusation that would end the lands peace and life as it was known would never be the same. The emperor claimed that this group, Muslims who followed the religion of Islam, had desired to destroy the land. He stated that they had discovered a weapon that would wipe the country out, many civilians were afraid due to these lies and the emperor felt pleased. However not long after this situation had taken place a revolution began to take place, the Muslims did not stand back and they did their best to erase the words f the emperor, but the emperors power made it impossible for the Muslims to clear their name. 

The revolution was peaceful and the Muslims did not turn to violence, as the citizens were not the ones truly at fault, and according to their religion, they were strongly forbidden from harming any civilians, so they simply refused to pay their king, nor did they do any work required of them. This angered the emperor greatly and he did the unimaginable, he called up the seven leaders of the revolution regardless of their social status and had them publicly executed, claiming that they had made an attempt at his life, the main leader looked to the crowd before the axe had come down and he smiled and whispered "la illaha illa Allah" before his head rolled to the ground. The emperor then made an official statement saying that Islam was violent and he forbade anybody from practicing the religion, both publicly and privately. He passed away our years later and the tragedy will forever be the worst in the history of the Solis empire.

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