A father's sorrowful letter

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My beloved wife and child.

I am afraid this will be my last words to you both.

The emperor has gone insane and has decided to take my life, as I am a Muslim leader and I will not give that up. Do not feel sad, as I am not even the tiniest bit afraid. My wife, I have asked my brother and his wife to ensure your safety, from that mad man and I have asked them to keep you hidden. Please do not give up. As I await my fate of death I can only think of all the happy memories we had made over time, and how at last we have a child who, even though I will never be able to show it, my love for the child is more than anything in this world. I know how scary this must feel however I need you to stay strong, you are a mother and the woman that i will love, even in my final moments. Stay true to yourself and raise our child as a Muslim, even if that means keeping him hidden until he is fully of age to fight. I love you always, your husband.

And to my child, who I will not see grown. I hope, by the time you can read this you have formed a strong personality, and have become a Muslim who's faith is unwavering. My beloved child, do not let the world deceive you. You are not alone. I may no longer be with you but even so you are loved. You are protected. Keep yourself humble and stay true to your heart. Regardless of what kind of adult you will become, know that I love you dearly. I'm sure you have questions, and your confusion is running high, and I cannot provide the answers you are bound to seek. All i can say is turn to the quran, and look inside your heart. Do what you believe is right. My beloved your father knows that in the end you will be okay. With a pained heart that is filled with only love I say my final farewell.

Goodbye, from your father.

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