chapter 2

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Marry Anne spent four, full years of her life falling deeper in love with the crowned prince. In that time she learnt every single detail she could, it was stalkerish rather than loving. Despite her 'love' for him they were never allowed to be alone, that was the request of Arham however she still loved him, the rumors about her being crazy spread to every noble house, they questioned her abilities as a woman and Marry Anne faced whispers upon every formal occasion. Many thought she was truly happy with the way things ended up. 

Her nanny became even more overbearing than before however, and Marry Anne was forced into many corsets despite her already malnourished body. The clothes she wore showed the shape of the corset, and she felt uncomfortable. Her Nanny still made her wear it despite that discomfort. On her seventeenth birthday, the 22nd of February, she was meant to meet her beloved fiancé, her Nanny warned her that if she did not perform clumsily and idiotically, the little food she was allowed to eat would be further reduced. Marry Anne did not want to comply "If I fall too hard and wind up hurting myself-" she could not finish her sentence before hearing a loud *CRACK* she wondered for a moment what it was before feeling the burn on her face 'oh, I see nanny hit me again. Hm? It was louder than usual.' "Marry Anne, I love you, as I would my own daughter, I truly only desire what is best for you. Men love clumsy women who are fragile, so do as I say okay? Oh, and cover that up wit make up dear, sorry for hitting so hard." said the nanny in a sweet and soft tone.

 Marry Anne quietly sighed to herself as she tried to hold in the tears that were sitting in her eyes waiting to flow as they burned her. 'My prince would never hit me, He loves me' she thought as she went to get ready for her beloveds' arrival. When Arham had finally arrived Marry Anne was waiting at the top of a large, spiraled staircase, and as ordered, she threw herself down, hoping it would not cause her too much harm and that her own reflexes would somehow protect her. It did. She remained mostly unharmed with some bruises and scratches, plus Marry Anne had a high pain tolerance due to her father's extensive training. The prince, worried asked if she was okay and she smiled gleefully, "not a scratch my love!"

she walked a few steps behind him when he turned and said with hesitation "Marry Anne, I hate to do this to you on your birthday, but" he was tense so much, so that Marry Anne wanted to cut the tension with the knife her father handed to her as a gift that morning. "Well, I know you love me, but I genuinely cannot stand you. Your very presence is a pain to me, and your blatant stupidity is too much to bear." 'What...?!' Thought Marry Anne, she asked what she should do, with a tearful expression and the prince turned away from her "disappear. Learn to love, really love. Do not stalk me and claim to love me, that's blinded obsession, you scare me when you do that, so stop it, disappear from my life completely. Stop spouting stupid garbage, stop naively chasing after every person who shows you the tiniest bit of affection as if you are an abandoned animal." Marry Anne was hurt, she stopped walking, and still smiled when she told him to keep walking as she needed a moment for herself. She sent the women who were with her away as well and went to the last place she saw her mom when her mom was still healthy.

 A beautiful river, a zephyr sent the pleasant scent of the surrounding roses trough her, her broken heart yearned in that moment to be a rose as well. Perhaps if she were a rose, her nanny would want her as she is, and her prince, oh her beloved prince would he perhaps hate her less? She had many thoughts in that moment, her past, all the games she had once played with her brother. She wondered why her precious elder brother needed to become a busy knight, why did he no longer have time to spend with her. If only she had not been born, maybe then her mother would still be alive. Her thoughts, twisted and turned into darker thoughts. Eventually Marry Anne could no longer take the heartache that she was feeling, and she stood up and walked closer, and closer to the river as if the river was calling to her.




She no longer had any thoughts at all, she just wanted the water to surround her. To take her away completely. With a loud sound of water flowing through her head, Marry Anne was overtaken.

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