chapter 3

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 'I'm scared, I take it back, please I don't want to die. Help me.'

"MAMMA she looks like she is waking up!"

Marry Anne heard a really loud yell, when she opened her eyes, she saw a girl who looked to be her age. Covered in rags. The girl had a covering on her head, similar to the one her mother used to wear. The girl, whose voice was dripping wet with concern asked Marry Anne if she was in any pain, Marry Anne mumbled but the only sound that could be made out was '...ry' the girl smiled at Marry Anne and said "good, it's been a week since you've been asleep here, if you were not hungry I'd be concerned, come we don't have much but please eat your fill!" said the girl with a tray filled with hard pieces of bread. The girl stated that her cousin was a doctor who had studied abroad, and that was why Marry Anne's wounds were so well looked after. The two girls had a casual conversation, Marry Anne learned that the girls name was Ammaarah, Ammaarah said her name meant lady of dignity and that without a doubt it was a name that she loved. 

An older woman came in and told Ammaarah to give Marry Anne some space, the woman placed another tray with what looked like a bowl of soup on the bed where Marry Anne had remained. The woman apologized for the small space and poor food quality and also explained that liquid foods would be a better fit for a person who was clearly underfed. Ammaarah's cousin, named Faatimah (who according to Ammaarah was very scary) asked Mary Anne how she was feeling, and explained the dire situation of Marry Annes body. Faatimah told Marry Anne that due to the river's harsh conditions two of her ribs were broken, and she had gotten her hair tangled in something within the river, furthermore her body was malnourished beyond words, and she was exceptionally dehydrated. Faatimah then explained that for the next few months Marry Anne would be required to stay for treatment.

 While staying there Marry Anne understood that this place was one of the many poor spaces within the Solis empire, even so they gave her the best care that they could. Vegetables was the food she ate most often, as prescribed by the doctor. For three months, Marry Anne was not to move excessively as her ribs needed time to heal, even so light exercise was necessary, thus some minor chores around the village were given to Marry Anne to deal with, such as babysitting the little ones, or washing the rice. After the three months had passed Marry Anne did not feel ready to leave as yet as she became close to the villagers, she wondered why they did not desire revenge for the awful things the empire had put them through all because of the religion they had followed, even so she did not ask as she knew, these people were too kind for such a thing. Ammaarah and Marry Anne clicked well, Ammarah claimed that there were no female villagers her age and it was nice to talk to a friend every so often.

 Marry Anne felt the same even if she did not say it often. 

Before long Marry Anne was at a normal body weight and all her injuries were healed, even so she did not yet want to go home. Nearly a year went by when Ammaarah had asked her why Marry Anne had chosen death. Marry Anne did not know how to respond and Ammaarah sighed "Marry Anne, there are always more options, and in my religion we are taught that Allah will always help you, you're here now, and you are ok, you have to go back home but I will always be here, and if it is love you seek, I will become like your own sister for the sake of Allah so please, know that you are loved. Ok?" Marry Anne did not know how to respond, after a moment of silence tears began to form in her eyes and with a choked-up voice, she croaked a soft 'thanks'. 

Marry Anne spent nearly a year with the village made up of Muslims, she witnessed their lives and slowly she practiced the things they practiced, they taught her how to pray and helped her memorize some surahs, the more she learned the more she felt love for the religion, and slowly but surely for herself as well. With the help of her friend Ammaarah, she became a Muslim on her 18th birthday, she had no regrets. Ammaarah and the other villagers sent Marry Anne back to the main city of the empire, Ammaarah gave Marry Anne the tightest hug she has ever felt, besides her mothers, and with a bitter smile on both their faces they bid each other farewell.

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