The Contents a Dream Holds

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-- 8 years ago --

"Balam!" I see her walking out of the gate in front of the school.

"Wait up!" I cry running after her. She turns around and smiles. Waving at me to hurry up. I grin, happy to finally be able to bring someone to the GS25 my brother works at.

"형 hyung will be happy to meet you!" I dance down the road. Energetic and excited for my first hangout with a Korean friend since I've moved back from China.

"와 wow. Are you close with your 오빠 oppa?" She says glancing at the greening trees.

"응 yes! We're very close. Even though he's my step brother, he's my only family. My mother remarried after my father left when I was 2. She says it's my fault he's gone. But now that she remarried, she usually leaves me alone." I smile up to the warm sun in the chilly air.

" Oh." Balam says quietly. I turn my face towards her and see her face is contorted in discomfort. I laugh.

"It's fine. As long as I have my brother, I can survive anything." I say turned towards the nearby 밥버거 bap burger stall, rubbing my gurgly stomach.

"You want some?" I start and look at Balam .

"네 huh? Oh. I-" I check my coin pouch. It houses about ₩50.

"I'll pay." She smiles. I hide the shock a second too late but cover it with a smile.

"진짜 really? 고마워 thank you!" I beam. I waddle after her in my chunky outer wear and large shoes.

"Your welcome silly." She says, rubbing my head.

"Hey!" I giggle. "I did my hair today!" I stick out my lower lip in protest, struggling to keep up with her in the crowded streets and my large coat.

She turns back and gives a smile full of sunlight. The sun was sparkling behind her. Warming into a sweet persimmon glow as it got sleepy.

"Your laugh sounds like the rain."

I laugh again. This time it resonates in the emptying street with the rice burger stall at the end. The sounds of dew falling from leaves greets me and I see a halo of light wringing around her head. She smiles back at me.

a/n : as Balam and Aera's relationship grows, what do you think the outcome will be? will they become long time friends? or will they fall off after time passes. Is there anything more in store for them? what do you think? i won't be updating that much i don't think. please enjoy this story that might show up as a song on your playlist one day :)

*this story contains graphic descriptions and abuse*

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