Ch. 2 Devestating

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Everyone go back and re read the first chapter of you have not. I have rewritten it to be a little more personal and sad!

Carinas POV

I walk into the waiting room and I see Andrew, Andy and Vic in the waiting room.

"Hey guys. How are you?" I ask hugging them both tightly.

"We're good. The guys want to make sure she is okay before they come. They don't want to scare her if she is unsure of men. They want to see how much she remembers first."

I nod and Andrew looks down sadly.

"Don't worry. I'm there for her. We are working on her as we speak. As soon as everyone is out, I'm going to wake her up and perform a rape kit as well as examine her reproductive organs. I think they performed a involuntary hysterectomy." Andrew's mouth falls open and I see anger flash across his face.

"A-a hysterectomy?" Vic repeats, speechless. I nod and I can see the pain in everyone's face. "She will not be the maya we all knew before she went into the POW camp. She will be on edge and jumpy, angry. We will need to be supportive of her." They all nod and I hear rapid footsteps behind me.

"Doctor Deluca, she's awake." Schmitt says out of breath and then I hear loud screeching.


I take off at a dead sprint yelling and telling everyone to stay put.

"GET OFF!! GET OFF!! IF YOU DONT GET THIS OUT OF ME I WILL FUCKING STAB YOU. WHO ARE YOU??" Maya yells crouched in the corner holding a syringe.

"Maya. Maya. It's me. It's Carina Deluca. Andrew's older sister." I say crouching a bit and she looks at me. Something flickers in her eyes but only for a glimpse.

"You aren't real. You aren't here. I've made you up. I'm still in that place. I'm still in the cage." She says wide eyed, sobbing. "Hunt, Avery, shepherd, out right now. Women stay. All men out right now." I say sternly and the men take off out the door.

"Okay maya. Okay, breathe in and out. If you don't breathe you're going to pass out. We don't want that do we?" I ask trying my best to coax her into being comfortable.

Her hands are shaking and I can see the intense fear in her eyes. Behind me I hear shuffling and then all of the girls are gone too.

Good. One on one is what I need.

"Okay, they're gone. It's okay, you're okay." I whisper in the most comforting voice I can manage.

I sit on the floor to stay at her level and we stare at each other for a bit.

"When you're comfortable I'll come closer. I need to inspect your wound." I say indicating to her stomach. Which is covered in blood.

She nods and I twiddle my fingers and I bite the inside of my cheek. A nervous twitch of mine.

"Carina?" Maya breathes out in relief, tears in her eyes.

"Yes. Yes it's me."

"You-you're real?? You're actually here? I'm not just seeing you??" She asks wide eyed, tears welling up.

I nod and she scrambles to me, throwing the syringe down and engulfing me in a hug. Her frame trembles as sobs rack her body and I hold her.

"It's okay. It's okay, you're okay." I whisper running my hand through her hair and down her back as I hold her.

"I-I have been through hell! Hell!!" She yells sobbing loudly.

"I know bambina. I know. I am so sorry." I whisper squeezing her tighter.

She calms down and I get her into her bed and she sighs. "I need to perform a rape kit, give you an STD cocktail and I need to do an ultrasound." I say candidly.

She has been stranded in Iraq for 2 years, she does not need a sugar coated version.

She nods sadly and I nod back. "Would you rather me have a female doctor instead of a male to help?" She nods and I sigh. I page jo and she walks in very calmly, carefully.

"Now maya, this is Jo. She is a good friend of mine. She is here to do anything you need. Hold your hand, get you food, a drink, medicine, anything you need. She is your assistant not mine." I explain sitting on my chair and putting her feet gently into the stirrups.

She nods, tears in her eyes and she smiles to jo.

"Sorry you had to meet me like this." She whispers sadly and Jo shakes her head. "That's okay. I'm here for you."

She sticks her hand out and maya takes it gratefully.

Lord please help her. This is going to be hard.

I begin my examination and halfway through we have to stop.

"Please. Please don't touch me like that." She whispers as I graze her thigh on accident. Her eyes are filled with tears and I feel my heart break. "I'm sorry Maya. I didn't mean to I won't do it again, I promise." I reply looking into her eyes and she nods.

"Are you almost done?" She asks almost as if she's scared we're gonna get upset.

"Almost. Almost there just a bit more." I say and jo nods. "You're doing great maya. Just keep pushing." She whispers rubbing the top of her hand.

Finally I finish and immediately maya pulls the blankets up on her bed and she rolls to the side. Almost seeming exhausted.

"Okay, you take a nap. I'll be back to check on you in a bit." I whisper and she shakes her head no. "Don't leave me." She whispers trying to get out of bed. "No no. Stay there. You're okay. I'll stay. I'll stay here with you." I say trying anything I can to keep her from getting up.

"Can-can you tell me what's wrong with me?"

"From your charts it says 'dehydration, malnutrition, 3 broken ribs on your left, 4 on your right, a shattered ankle and kneecap, cigarette burns, 3rd degree sunburns, a broken cheek bone, a hysterectomy with a long infected horizontal incision and some extreme vaginal trauma."

By the end of my lengthy list Maya is fast asleep.

She must be exhausted.

HELLOOOOOO so sorry thought I was gonna update last night🥲

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