Ch. 4 I Can't

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A day later

Mayas POV

"Let's just try to eat." Carina whispers holding a spoon to my mouth and I shake my head stubbornly. "I can't." I whisper and she sighs. "Please? It's just soup, just a few bi-"

"GODDAMNIT CARINA I SAID I CANT!!!" I shout angrily in her face and she flinches, dropping the bowl and spoon in her hands and she looks at me with a shocked expression. "Where did that come from?" She asks almost seeming agitated.

"I don't need this shit right now." I snap and she stands angrily. "Okay, when you want me in here you call me." She says going to walk out the door and I instantly stop her. "Please don't go." I plead sadly. "I don't know why I snapped. I just need a break. I just need you here. Please." I whisper and she stops in her tracks, her hand on the door handle.

It slips away and eventually she is back at my side to hold my hand. "I'm sorry I raised my voice. I didn't mean to, I'm just not used to all of this." I whispered sadly and she nods.

We sit in silence for a good while until jo comes in to take my vitals.

"Everything looks good. You do have high blood pressure, but that should go down as you take the medicine for it." She explains and I nod. My mind is just racing, trying to figure out how to apologize to carina.

"I'm sorry." I say after jo leaves the room and I internally face palm. I'm sorry? Bitch you're so dumb.

"It's okay Maya. I know this is hard on you." She says squeezing my hand gently and I take a deep breath and wince. "Hurt?" She asks concerned and I nod. "Ribs. Everything hurts." I grumble, tired of the pain. "Want some hydrocodone?"

That's all it took and I was nodding.

After about 20 minutes the hydros kick in and I am loopy.

Carinas POV

"Carinaaaa" maya slurs out rolling her head to the side. "Yes bambina?"

"Why didn't we date?" She slurred again making me blush madly.

"Carina please stay." Maya pleads as I reach for the door.

"No! You're leaving again! You told me and Andrea you were done! That you wouldn't go back! After you got shot- you know how we feel! You knew we'd be upset!" I shout tears streaming down my face.

But they aren't tears of sadness, they're angry tears.

"Please. Please stay carina, just wait for Andrew to come home." She pleads once more walking over to me and grabbing the doorknob I'm holding.

In this moment we are so close I can feel her body heat radiating off of her.

"Why couldn't you just stay?" I ask once more, sadness evident in my tone.

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because- I- I can't say."

"Tell me now." I say standing straight up, looking down into her blue eyes.

And in that moment our world collides. Our lips mold together and in that one moment, that perfect second, there was no pain in my body.


"You were scared remember?"

"Mmmm I remember" she whispers her eyes closing a little.

"Do you remember when you kissed me?"

Her eyes shot open and she nodded.

"That was the last time I saw you."

"That was the first time I realized I didn't want to live without you." I whispered, sure that she wouldn't remember a thing.

"I will never go back." She explained, tears in her eyes and a crack in her voice.

"You never have to again." I say squeezing her hand and kissing the back of it.


"Yes bambina?"

"I want to be with you."

"You're with me?"

"I want to be with you and only you all the time." She whispers, almost as if she's scared of rejection.

"I'll stay with you love."

We both sit in silence for a bit before I look over to her and her face is screwed up in pain, her eyes closed. She's obviously sleeping but this wasn't peaceful. This was evil, angry.

Mayas POV

"Bishop!! Bishop please!! Please tell him! I can't take it!" Katie screeches as brow and a large man sexually assaults her. "Tell us and we can end all of this! Just tell us where the base is American Warrior."

I feel tears prick at my eyes and I shake my head angrily. "N-no" I grunt out and I hear a punch land on Katie's face as she sobs loudly, heartbreaking sobs.

"I'm sorry Katie." I whispered and she looked over to me, with her one eye that wasn't completely swollen shut.

"I'm sorry." I whispered again and she gave me a look, a look of pure sorrow.

They finish their assault on her and then they drag her infront of me. She is covered in blood, bruises, sweat and other substances.

"Tell us.. or we kill her."

I look into Katie's eye and she looks down, almost as if she knows what I'll say.

"Fuck you." I spat to brow before spitting on his feet.

And then before I knew it Katie's blood was sprayed all over me.

All I could hear was my screaming. My relentless and endless screaming. For help. For God. For Katie.

"Friends dead. That's how we work. Kill those you love, pick them off one by one and then kill you slowly."

"Maya." I shoot out of my sleep disoriented and shocked. "P-p-please." I whisper clutching my chest and carina wraps her hand around mine. "Breathe. In and out." She whispers, hee calm demeanor helping me to calm down almost instantly.

"Don't die. Don't leave." I whisper scared if I talk to loud she'll disappear.

"I will never leave bambina."

I'm slowly remembering the torture. The camps. This will be brutal.

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