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Roseanne "Rosie" Park is on her way to LAX, her younger sister Lisa is driving her there. She's on her way to her once in a lifetime trip, a graduation gift from her parents, and also to visit her sister who is studying Law in New York City. Lisa who is driving so recklessly have been over speeding and swerving too much to every car she sees in front of her. Roseanne's hands turned white because of her tight grip to her seatbelt. She's been tossed from left to right, everytime Lisa turn the wheels, Rosie felt like she was in an amusement park ride, and was about to vomit. Lisa stepped on the breaks so suddenly that the car stopped in an instant as she parks on the side, just behind the parked taxi. If it wasn't for the seatbelt, Rosie was sure that she would have flung out through the windshield of the car.

"Awesome" said Lisa, she was bopping her head to the music playing on the stereo of her car

"Semi charmed life is the best song evaaaaa!!!" said Minnie, Lisa's best friend who is sitting at the backseat, swaying her body to the beat of the music as she humms along

Rosie was still in shock at the speed and the sudden stopped of the vehicle, her mouth open, her hair was everywhere. Lisa just looks at Rosie, waiting for her to get out of the car. Rosie fixed her hair, she shuffles getting her duffle bag, and she scrambled out of the car. She closes the car door gently and lowers her body to peek at the open window to speak to her sister

"Hey! Does Mom know you drive like that?"

"Whatever!! Okay!!! Can you get your stuff? I'm missing 90210."

"You're lucky you have that gear in your mouth, because they're gonna need your teeth to identify your chard remains"


"BYE, Minniee"

Lisa flipped her middle finger at Rosie before stepping on the gas pedal, probably flooring it, as the tires screetch loudly, and the car just zooms out joining harshly at the traffic. Minnie waving adorably at Rosie at the back of the car.

Rosie fixed her hair again, before she swings her backpack to her back, her camera hanging around her neck and finally she slings her duffle bag unto her shoulders. As she looked up, she saw a couple who are aggressively making out at the hood of a dusted car, then all of a sudden they are fighting, she can't helped but over hear their conversation as they we're shouting at eachother, outside the airport, where lots of people are coming in and out, and everyone is looking at them

"Come on. We just need some time apart. That's all" said the guy who's wearing a tight black t-shirt with a skull print at the front, his long hair was kept in a black beanie, a black tight pants, with a studded black belt.

"Where is this coming from?" Said the woman. Bob cut, with bangs. Black eyeliner, dark colored lipstick, gray long sleeves topped with black shirt with a bleeding cross printed in front, and a black checkered mini skirt and black studded boots.

"You can come all right?, It's not.." the guy continues to argue

Rosie was just standing at the back, she knows it's not right to eavesdrop but she cant seem to take her eyes away from the arguing couple, specially to the girl.

"Never mind, you don't want me to come, then I'm not coming" spat the girl as she pushed the guy away from her

"Fine! then I want you out" the guy threw his hands up, and walks back to his car

Us in another timeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt