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Strike one back

Jennie just put the baby to sleep, as she lays her into her crib, when she heard some noise outside of her apartment. Curious, Jennie walks out to check what is making that noise. She opens the door and the noise became louder, the strumming of an electric guitar echoes to the entire compound. She steps out to see who's playing, and Jennie's jaw dropped, and she smiles wide as she was surprised to see Roseanne in her white shirt, jeans and white shoes, beside her, this small amplifier, and she's strumming a pink electric guitar. The moment Rosie saw Jennie came out she began singing

I guess this time you're really leaving

I heard your suitcase say goodbye

" I..." Jennie was about to say something, when Rosie held up her hand, stopping Jennie

"Just... Don't say anything, because I'll lose my nerve"

Jennie nods, she took a step back, gesture a zipping sign across her lips, and smiles at Rosie, signaling her to go on and continue. Rosie took a deep breath and begun strumming her guitar once again, then continued her singing

As my broken heart lies bleeding

They say the true love is suicide

You say you cried a thousand rivers

As Rosie belts out the song, there's a couple of people who cheered, and holler at her. Jennie's neighbors get out of their apartment, some watching from their balcony to watch Rosie's performance. Rosie didn't even notice the growing of audience she has as she only has her focus on Jennie, on playing her guitar and to not messed it up. Jennie, giggles everytime Rosie stopped to change chords, she finds it really cute. Her smile seems to not go away as she watch Roseanne sing her heart out

And now you're swimming for the shore

You left me drowning in my tears

And you wont save me anymore

Rosie stopped strumming, she spread her arms as she belts the next lyrics

Now I'm praying to God you'll give me one more chance girl

Jennie chuckles as she held her laughter she covers her mouth with her hand, she bites her lips so she can contain it, but she really finds it funny, adorably funny.

Rosie started strumming again

I'll be there for you

These five words I swear to you

When you breathe

I want to be the air for you

I'll be there for you

This time Jennie is not laughing anymore. Her smile turned into a sad smile, as she looks at Roseanne, strumming and singing her heart out for her, she felt her heart ache. For why now? After all those years, why now.

I'll live and I die for you

Steal the sun from the sky for you

Words cant say what a love can do

I'll be there for youuuu

There was an applause from Jennie's neighbors, and asking for another song. Some shouts Your the best , some said next time bring a guitarist.
Roseanne pursed her lips, as she takes a moment to catch her breath. Jennie smiles at her, still not knowing what to say really.

"I know you like Bon Jovi, so..." Said Rosie as soon as her breathing stables

"I don't" said Jennie in a small cute voice, her hands on her hips

Rosie scratch her neck, she thought it's starting not to do well, so she shoot her shot once again. Its now or never she thinks

"Jennie, Im flat broke, I don't have a job, I don't have a plan." Rosie's voice starts to shake, her eyes starts to water " and I know I'm ..... " she let's out a breathe "I know I'm probably six years too late. But... Will you give me strike one back?" Rosie swallowed her tears, and looked at Jennie, waiting for her answer.

Jennie looked down, let out a breath that she didn't even realized she was holding, she bit her lip, before lifting her head up to look at Roseanne

"You're married" said Roseanne in defeat

Jennie shakes her head no "I'm engaged" she said, Jennie tried to smile but she couldn't. She chewed the inside of her cheek as she saw the tears lining in Rosie's eyes. Rosie nods, licks her lips, and looked down, she's now too shy to even look at Jennie.

"Do you wanna come in?"

"No, I uh, I think i need the air" Rosie forced a laugh.

"I have to get the baby" Roseanne's eyes went wide as she heard the b word. Jennie saw that,

"I'm sitting for Jisoo" Jennie said it so quickly. Jennie starts to walk, to get back inside her apartment. She turn around and looked at Rosie again,

"You sound really good." Then Jennie disappears behind the door.

Rosie stayed at Jennie's apartment circle for a while. She indeed really needed the air. She unplugged her guitar, rolled up the wires. She dusted off her guitar, which she just recently bought, it has a J sticker on it. She lets out a laugh for herself, as she recalls what she did moments ago. She sits and leaned her head back and looked at the sky, thinking she really lost her chance.

Rosie was about to go home, it's already night time. The sun was already gone. Jennie did return outside, to see Rosie leave. Jennie walked Rosie up to the compound gate

"I guess when I'm gray and old, I'll never have to wonder "What if". You know" Rosie said, as she looked at Jennie for the last time. She thinks this is really their goodbye. She smiled at Jennie. Jennie reached out her hand to Rosie, Rosie held it, and Jennie pulled Rosie in for a hug. They both let each other go. Rosie picked up her amplifier and turned her heels and walked back home, with her head low. Jennie watched Rosie leave, she can't help but feel sad, Jennie feels her heart was heavy. Jennie felt this familiar feeling of pain again, she first felt it when Roseanne first left for New York, then again when she came back before her venture capital starts and again now. Jennie always finds herself staring at Rosie's back, whenever she's going away, before there are chances that she might come back, but now? Now may be the last time.

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