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Adaline stood outside the decent size lodge home that Sam gave her directions to. It was quaint and had a nice large porch overflowing with flowers. The homely vibe was enough to have her relax a bit compared to how she had been as of late. The spat with Bella only soured as the days went by. Adaline wanted to work it out with her but Bella didn't want to, apparently.

"Mommy?" Achilles tugged on her hand. She glanced down at him.

"Yes, baby?"

"Is Uncle Sam living here?"

"Does Uncle Sam live here?" She corrected him. "And yes, he said this was his address."

Artemis huffed. "Momma, you said we were going to Uncle Billy's house! Ray ray promised to play dollies with me!"

"For the last time, Arty," Adaline pinched the bridge of her nose. "I said after we see your Uncle Sam. After."

"But Daddy says we can't--"

"Daddy isn't here!" Achilles snapped at her. "Daddy doesn't love us no more!"

Adaline sighed heavily. She keeps trying so hard to tell them both that is simply not true but no matter how much she tells them, Achilles doesn't believe her, and Artemis was always a daddy's little girl. This has been causing the two of them to fight quite often as of late. It was so so hard being a single mother. Even harder due to the confusion this has caused her babies.

"Enough!" Adaline hissed, jerking their arms a smidgen to cause them to quiet their tones and go silent. She didn't hurt them but she was stern. She swears that their terrible two's and terrifying three's were no match for the furious five's. She was really having a rough time with it.

"Sorry," They mumbled sheepishly to her before hugging and kissing each other's cheeks to show their mother they made up.

Adaline kneeled and brought them into her embrace, kissing the top of their heads. "Be on your best behavior, please. Your Uncle Sam loves you both and he wants you to meet Emily. She is a really lovely woman. You will both like her."

The cookout at the Clearwater's home all those weeks ago may have had Sam present, and the two boys Paul and Jared but Emily was not there. Between her and Leah, there was no love at the moment. Emily didn't come because she didn't want to hurt Leah. In a way, Adaline thought Emily was a bit of bitch for coming between Leah and Sam but she liked Emily. Adaline was sure there was more to it but it was really none of her business and by it being none of her business, she refused to pass judgment on Emily. Adaline was set on being the supportive sister-in-law to Sam and that meant blinding her eyes to the whole triangle.

Adaline had her two littles walk in front of her up the staircase and she knocked on the door despite being clearly able to see in the house due to the screen door being the only thing blocking the entry. There was a heavy footstep on the staircase inside the house followed by creaking floorboards. Sam came into view, grinning when he saw them

"Uncle Sammy!" Achilles screamed. Artemis rolled her eyes and Adaline nudged her.

"Stop that, missy."

"Little wolf!" Sam laughed opening the door and picking up Achilles in his arms acting as if he weighed a ton. "Oof! You are getting too big to lug around!"

Achilles giggled, making Adaline incredibly happy to see him come out of his shell for Sam. It was such a good sign.

"Artemis," Sam ruffled her hair. The little boss smack his hand away and glared at him.

"Momma worked hard on my braids you big oaf!"

"Artemis!" Adaline gasped. "Don't name call."

"He touched my hair!" She exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air. Sam made eye contact with Adaline who rolled her eyes.

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