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Nothing made sense.

Not a damn lick of it.

How was any of this possible?

How in the ever-loving fuck did Alice get them through the airport and pass the guards?

Adaline knew she couldn't do anything as a human but she did know how to cause a scene. So what did she do when they got to the airport?

She screamed loudly. Very loudly. Shouting...


And... It took a smile from Alice and an awkward grimace from Bella to say I was "a little touched in the head" to make everyone go about their business.

Apparently, Alice's smiles were hard to believe she could be kidnapper, and given that I was obviously older than both girls, I had to be unwell.

And the flight attendant lady told Alice very loudly, I was a danger to the children for my unruly behavior.

No wonder, why so many people are able to be kidnapped by the cartel in America and sold into the sex trade or whatever else.

Nobody listens! They turn their ears off and blind themselves!

When someone yells "Stranger Danger!"

That's a key code to KIDNAPPING!

Adaline hated vampires.

As soon as she gets her fucking hands on a lighter... That bitchy leech is going up in flames.

Burn... Baby... Burn...

From where Adaline was standing, Alice and Bella were the flints, and she herself was the spark that was going to be their demise if she had any say about it.

She vowed to herself as she sat on the plane, being caged in by the window by Alice, her children thankfully beside her, she was going to kill her before she died.

She hurt her. She hurt her children. She put them all in danger. She was going to get them killed.

She was taking them to a coven of vampires in Volterra, Italy who came to be royalty. Or is... Royalty.

They were all lost likely going to be drained of their blood. Her children would never have the chance to grow up and love and be loved and have children of their own. They were never going to become something marvelous because Alice stole that option and that right from them.

She stole their futures and nailed their lives shut into a proverbial coffin.

If Alice was digging their graves... Adaline was digging two more.

She was taking them with her.


Alice stole a Porsche.

Out of ALL the child-friendly grand theft auto options, there was to choose from. She chose the pretty not child-friendly vehicle.

Artemis had to be held in her mother's lap while she squished her son against the window on top of a carry-on while the large bag and backpacks were cramped under her legs with Bella's and Alice's bags. Adaline had long since lost all feeling to her lower half from having to keep them propped up so long.

The Pixie vampire (Adaline really had no room to use the term "pixie" given how short she herself was.)  sped through the Tuscany countryside, making Adaline even more amazed that she was even there.

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