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The whole murder loose in Forks was chalked down to a freak accident. A freak accident that couldn't be explained. The victim had no blood in their bodies. Charlie said Dr. Cullen told them it was an animal when she happened last year but what kind of animal sucks a person dry of blood?

Adaline wrinkled her nose as she watched the tv in Emily's kitchen. She sipped her warm cup of tea while the twins helped Emily bake muffins. "So we have vampires in Forks," She said nonchalantly.

Emily flipped over a bag of four in her haste to look at Adaline. "What!" She squeaked.

Adaline pointed at the tv. "They claimed it was an animal. The only animal I could think of is a vampire bat but they can't consume a whole person. Unless it was a whole group of them and even then... Bats rarely bite humans. And this isn't central or South America..."

Emily gave an awkward laugh. Adaline narrowed her eyes at her. "You know something," She said. Emily tried to act like she didn't hear anything.

Adaline began assisting in taking the overly large muffins out of the oven when there was some kind of yapping howl being made outside. The twins stood up straighter, hiding behind their mother when the door swung open and Jared came in. They relaxed as he waved at them.

"Hey Ads," He greeted her, swiping a muffin from her hands and sitting down.

"Whose this?" Emily asked.

Adaline glanced at the door to see Bella standing there awkwardly as always.

"Bella Swan, who else?" Jared scoffed looking at Bella with disdain.

"Ah... So you're the vampire girl," Emily began to smile when she realized what she said.

Adaline leaned against the counter, cocking her head at her.

"And you're the wolf girl?" Bella replied.

Vampires? Wolves?

Adaline made eye contact with the boys. They looked away from her but the wheels were already turning. Adaline looked at her sis-cousin. "Vampires Bella? Really?" She taunted, feigning that knew.

Bella was dumb enough to fall for it too. She glared at Adaline. "Who told you about Jacob and the others being werewolves? And about the Cullens being vampires?"

Adaline wanted to scream. It took all their self-control to keep her face smooth.

"We didn't..." Embry muttered.

"You did," Jared glared at Bella.

Bella stepped back, her eyes going wide. Adaline clicked her tongue. "A sane person wouldn't believe it but I know stranger things happen... So that explains a lot of twitching from you lot and the unexplained cancellations and traversing the forest at night."

Paul came in, snatched a muffin up, winked at Bella, and said sorry. Sorry for what she didn't know. But her eyes were also trained on his naked torso. Paul noticed and sent her a flirty smile that Adaline blushed from.

"Not her," Sam whacked him behind the head as he made his way to kiss Emily. Bella shot off out of the house with Jacob. Why on earth... Jacob didn't like Sammy.

"So werewolves?" Adaline said slowly causing Sam to look at her in alarm. Paul glared at Embry. The young teen threw his hands up.

"It was Bella! Not me!" He defended.

"Those animal attacks were vampires, weren't they?" She asked Sam. He nodded his head looking really tired. "What happened with Bella?"

"Bitch is crazy," Artemis sniffed.

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