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"My auntie is what mommy calls a human headache. You sir, look like a vampire headache."

Artemis' sassy quip left everyone's jaws on the floor. Though her comment was cheeky, it revealed the innocent bluntness of a child.

Adaline flushed, (oh, my sweet child, you did not just say that) torn between embarrassment and stifling laughter. She shot Marcus an apologetic look, Gianna continued to gape while Marcus raised his eyebrows, he was somewhat surprised that Artemis was talking to him. Even more with sass like that.

Little Artemis was a spitfire, no doubt. Adaline wondered where she picked up such an attitude. Perhaps her own sharp tongue was to blame.

Still, Adaline worried for her daughter's lack of filter. Artemis meant no true offense - she was merely parroting her mother's colorful words. But before the Kings, a slip of the tongue could prove dire.

"Mommy also tells strangers who touch us, knoweth thy lane and stayeth the fucketh in it."

Gianna's jaw dropped.

Adaline was now covering her face to hide the fact she was so close to tears. It was so hard to discipline herself out of her daughter. She felt for Charlie so much when Artemis pulled wiseass comments like this right out of thin air. Artemis was a little shit, but so was she.

"Right, momma?" Artemis turned to her mother expectantly.

Adaline just nodded her head because she felt like if she opened her mouth now, she would only make it worse. She didn't care if she made it worse for herself. She just had to use her manners. Adaline resolved to mind her speech. With care and manners, hopefully, she could convince the Kings by striking a deal with them to let her children leave. Her babies were only five after all. They would only see this as a bad dream or they would forget it. If she could convince the Kings to let her take her children back and preferably have her piece of shit husband, you know... Disposed of, meeting his untimely end. Her children must be spared. If only Charlie could raise them, that would be great and then they could do whatever they pleased with her.

A cold plan formed in Adaline's mind. She would plead and bargain for her children's lives, using honeyed words. Whatever the Kings desired of her, she would accept - so long as her little ones stayed innocent, safe, and alive.

Adaline blinked in confusion as Marcus rose smoothly from the ground, his pale hand extended towards her with a gentle smile. One dark eyebrow quirked upwards as if daring her - "Go on, take it." She bit her lip, unsure. Her legs were numb and tingly - if she tried to stand, she'd surely just fall right over. But his hand remained outstretched, waiting. With a deep breath, she placed her hand on his. A shock jolted up her arm at the contact. He was so cold! Yet somehow, she also felt strangely warm. It made no sense. The tingles in her hand turned to fluttering butterflies in her stomach, and her heart skipped several beats. Heat rose in her cheeks as he gazed at her. She felt oddly exposed under his eyes, but not in a bad way. Strangely, it felt...right.

"My name is Marcus," he said, his voice soft yet deep and gravelly, as if he hadn't spoken in a very long time. 

Adaline blushed harder, bashfully meeting his intense gaze. What was happening here? She was so confused, but somehow, she didn't want this odd moment to end.

"Adaline," She said quietly. "Adaline Swan."

He mouthed her name as if tasting it on his tongue before giving her a brilliant smile that made her heart stutter again. "Piacere, Signora Adaline," He lifted her knuckles to his lips and pressed a gentle kiss.

"This is Achilles and Artemis," Adaline let go of Marcus's hand immediately when she realized where her line of thoughts was going.

Achilles shyly smiled up at him but Artemis was still glaring as if she could burn him at the mere blink.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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