22~Fertile, Not Infertile

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Ishwari woke up holding her head and sat up, seeing Shikhar , she sat up and smiled and ran to him hugging him shocking her children. Alia and Dev looked at each other and then at them. "Shikhar, you're my true love, my real husband, the father of our children," she said emotionally. "Mom, the father of your children? Means? Isn't Dev bhaiya our dad Arjun's son? And I am your and our dad Arjun's daughter," Alia said confused. Ishwari released the hug and looked at them. "I would explain everything Alia, but for now, can you both please leave us alone?" she asked.

Dev walked to them. "Mom, you recalled everything?" he asked smilingly confusing Alia more. "Bhai, what are you saying?" she asked. "My children, please, I would tell each and everything, but please go for now," Ishwari said. Dev walked back to Alia who was looking at him in a shock. "Let's go," he said wrapping his arm around her shoulders but she dropped his hand off and ran outside, he ran after her. "Alia! Wait!" he called out. Finally Ishwari and Shikhar were left alone. "Shikhar, I recalled everything, aren't you the one I married? Aren't you the real father of both my children?" she asked with tears in her eyes and smile on her lips.

"Of course Ishwari, I am the one, the real father of both Alia and Dev, and your husband too," he admitted and they smiled and shared a hug. "Shikhar, Arjun... He said that... He's the real father of Dev, and that Dev is his child from first marriage, he made me his adoptive mother, I am not his adoptive mother, I am his real mother, I only gave him birth, he's my blood. Shikhar, Arjun did protect Dev from Shaurya, but later he only turned a beast to him," she said crying bitterly.

They released the hug. "When he was found alive once again, I didn't want to see his face even though Dev had blackmailed Arjun and eased out money from him for a good purpose only. He did it for Nalini, his fiancee, and I turned my face away from my own son, and Alia, she kept saying that Dev is her real brother only, but I kept telling her that he's her half brother, its all because of Arjun, and you, you couldn't even see Alia since so many years even after she is our daughter," she said crying bitterly.

"Ishwari, I could rescue Dev and Alia both, that's what matters, I could fulfill my responsibilities of a father, that's more important. I could help all of you in the nick of time, I have no regrets, we would pay Arjun a visit for this, but first, let's go to our children and explain them," he said and she nodded.


Alia was sitting with her arms folded on her chest angry at Dev and Shikhar both. "Alia, look, I couldn't tell even after knowing, forgive me yaar, please Aloo jaan," he said. She glared at him and picked a pillow and threw it right at him but he moved out of the way in the nick of time. "Don't you dare Aloo jaan me, just shut up, okay, you have been playing with my feelings since the last nine months, you and Shikhar uncle, both. You didn't dare to tell me that you are my real brother only, and you even knew about mom's memory loss, you knew that Shikhar uncle is our real father, how could you bhai? I said before only, that I value you a lot, but you don't. You don't value me at all, you don't care about me, you just care about others, our fake dad Arjun was always everything for you. I am nothing to you, in fact I never was," she said breaking into tears. Dev touched her shoulder but she moved away his hand. "Don't touch me, lier, I hate you bhai," she said and sobbed. "Alia, please don't hate me, please Alia, I know you can never hate me," he said cupping her face, Ishwari and Shikhar looked at them from far. "Yes I never can, but how dare you take advantage of my love for you?" she asked moving his hands from her face. "Alia, Arjun uncle told me, that's why," he said.


"For now I have told Ishwari that Dev is my son from first marriage, but I won't ever let her know that Dev is her child, not mine, and even the child growing in her womb isn't mine," Arjun said talking to himself and turned and saw Dev at the entrance and got shocked. Dev, who was just four years old then, walked inside to him sucking onto his little fingers. He looked up at Arjun with his innocent yellow eyes.

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