Part 9

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Hinata and Naruto had just finished their breakfast.



"Can we go find Neji-kun?"

"Why?" asked Naruto, puzzled.

"Well since I'm going to be living with you I need my clothes and stuff. Neji-kun can get them for me so my father and I won't fight again."

Naruto smiled.

Hina-chan's really going to live with me.

"Sure. We can stop and make an extra key too."

"And go grocery shopping," put in Hinata. "All you have here is ramen."

Naruto frowned. "Why would you want anything other than ramen?"

Hinata laughed. "Because I'm not you silly."

Naruto caught her around the waist and started tickling her.

"Who's silly now?" he growled playfully.

"S-stop that- haha- Naru-kun," gasped out Hinata as she tried to squirm away.

"Am I silly anymore?"

Hinata shook her head fiercely.

"Good," said Naruto as he stopped tickling her. Hinata caught her breath.

"That wasn't very nice," she pouted.

Naruto kissed her sweetly.


"Yeah," Hinata looked at him, then shook her head. "Come on, let's get out of here before we start making out again."

"Awwww," said Naruto jokingly.

They both laughed as Hinata pulled him out the door.

"Where do you think Neji would be?" asked Naruto as they walked through the village.

"He's most likely training," replied Hinata. She caught sight of Sakura. "Could you give me a minute Naru-kun?"

"Sure," replied Naruto slightly confused as he watched Hinata run over to Sakura.

"Sakura," called Hinata.

"Hey Hinata. What's up?"

"I have a favor to ask you."


"I can't explain it all right now but when my wound is fully healed I need a girl's night. I need help with this idea I got."

"Sure Hinata, but I still don't really understand."

Hinata leaned in and whispered, "I'll tell you when Naru-kun isn't around. It has to do with him."

Sakura was still confused. "Hinata..."

"I'll talk to you later Sakura," called Hinata, running off. Sakura stared after her.

What was that about? She has a lot to explain the next time I see her.

"What was that for?" asked Naruto as Hinata reached him.

"Nothing," evaded Hinata and grabbed his hand.

"Come on, we still need to find Neji-kun."

"I'm coming, I'm coming," said Naruto matching his pace with hers. They walked hand in hand to the training grounds.

As Naruto and Hinata got closer to the training grounds, they could hear the sounds of a ninja battle. They topped the hill and looked down at Neji and TenTen sparring. Neji was obviously holding back so he wouldn't hurt TenTen too badly, so the match was about even. By the time Naruto and Hinata had reached the bottom of the hill, Neji and TenTen had stopped for a break.

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