Part 10

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Neji and TenTen reached the Hyuuga estate and went directly to Hinata's room. Luckily they didn't run into any servants. Or Hiashi. Neji really didn't want to deal with Hiashi.

If what Hinata and Naruto said is true Hiashi will not be happy if he finds me trying to help them. TenTen crossed into his line of sight. A horrible thought crossed his mind.

Would he... No he can't be that unstable that he would hurt TenTen. But she isn't part of the Hyuuga clan...

"Neji," whispered TenTen sharply, "Snap out of it. We have to get this stuff fast before anyone catches us."

Neji pushed the thoughts to the back of his mind. He didn't want to think about how Hiashi would react if he found someone not of the Hyuuga clan trying to help Hinata. They worked quickly and quietly. They were down to the closet when TenTen accidently knocked some hangers on the floor. They both froze, holding their breath that no one heard.

The sound of footsteps reached their ears.

Neji quickly activated his Byakugan to see who it was.

"Damn," he cursed.

"What is it?" whispered TenTen.

"It's Hiashi-sama," replied Neji. Scene after scene of Hiashi attacking both him and TenTen crossed his mind. He turned to her. "Listen to me. Stay in the back of the closet. Don't come out no matter what. Hiashi shouldn't see you because it's considered rude to use Byakugan in someone's room or to look into their room."

"Why?" She wasn't asking about the Hyuuga traditions.

"Just do it TenTen." TenTen was taken aback by the desperation in Neji's voice.

"I don't know how unstable Hiashi is and I don't want you to get hurt."

TenTen gave a tiny gasp.

He doesn't want me getting hurt?

"Quick!" hissed Neji. "Swear you won't make a noise or come out."

TenTen nodded, she didn't trust her voice, and crawled into the back of the closet. Her mind still raced at what Neji had admitted.

Neji closed the door as Hiashi walked into the room.


TenTen shivered when she heard his voice. It was different than when she had heard him talk before. It scared her.

"What are you doing in my daughter's room? Are you helping her move in with the demon brat?"

"I don't know about a demon brat Hiashi-sama but Hinata did ask me to gather her clothes so she could live with Naruto. Is there a problem?" asked Neji evenly.

Why is he talking to Hiashi like that? He's asking for trouble, thought TenTen worriedly.

Hiashi's eyes narrowed.

"You would be wise not to sass me or continue what you are doing."

"Why is that?" asked Neji.

"Because, member of the branch family-"

TenTen jumped.

Does Hiashi mean to...

"My clan will not be disgraced by my heir living with that."

"Funny. You never thought of Hinata as your heir before," observed Neji.

"I warned you," hissed Hiashi, making hand signs.

Neji felt the curse mark on his head flare to life. He grimaced and braced one hand on the wall and the other on the handle of the closet, effectively holding it shut.

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