car crash and game day.

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As I stared to move after the  haerd hit and  knew my truck was going to be  totaled I called  911 

911: this is 911 what's your emergency
Me: I got in to a car accident
911: ma'am  what's your location
Me:  1 Paycor Stadium, Cincinnati, OH 45202
911: ok is there eney one injured
Me: idk 

I get out of my truck and walkes over to the other vehicle  and ask them if they where ok

911: is the other people ok
Me: as far as I know yes but get an  abalance   

Time skip

As I set there getting  checked out I end up looking at the time and saying I need to get going.

Time skip to the game and after every thing.
As the rest of the players walks in to the stadium  I counters to tack photos of the team  as they practice.   As I set there waiting for things to start I see JJ  walking towards me   " yes JJ"  " steel calling me that huh?" Giggles  " yep so what's up"  " am going to  do a promos ring  to cam"  I look at him and smiles  "oh good luck"  " why good luck?" He ask questionably I staert to lught  " just kidding she's going to love it I can't wait to tack the photo." As he sigh a bruth of eligh for some reason. I tell him good luck and he and chase walks in together as I set out there. I see hubbs  I didcaed to try and talk to him. " Hay hubs"  he looks   at me "yes".   " just wanted to say good luck."  He smiles " thanks" " your  welcome" as I see cam looking at me and hub I look back at Sam to see him walk away.  Then I see cam walking towards me " aww you actually had a cavtion with him" she says as a taes.  I look at her  "shut it" then she started to laugh "oh you get over it"  I looked at her and was about to slap her but then  the other team starts to come out and I calmed down.

Time skip game time

As I get into my spot to tack photos of the team coming out to get on the field  I can here the crowd chanting who dey and I can't help but to  join in. Then they started to  tack a photos of the boys and after  I get my photos I get them I looked  at  the photos and release that I haed gotten great photos.  After I looked at them and  I here the anthem playing  and took photos of the team standing there. After the anthem got done I went to my corner on the side lines where I can see everything and everyone  and here what's going on.   After I been tacking photo for a full quitter I took a break tell  I see chase dancing cuz he got a tuch down  and I started to tack a video of him doing his favorite dance and I took photos of JJ and chase celebrating. Then it was a Chang on the field and I took photos of Sam and  the rest of  the defense on the field  and I was able to zoom in on hubs and then I zoomed out to get the Cramer to fcoes on them and then I took a photo of  everyone on the field.
As the game staerded to get brod and been tracking photos for hours it was half time.

Time skip

It was the 4th qouterd and I heard booine  bracking but I could not  hear went one  eney one eles I head  spaces  out torte Sam and cam  I have drop my stuff and ran over to clyad and booine as I saw her being down for too long I sent booine to her to  try and get her awake and  I try and calm clyed done telling him it's ok she be ok  them I looked over to see her awake and smile  and I breath  of relief a did of reluphe.  And as I see jj  go back on the field   with  chase  I discard to go back to my cramer and  go back to photos.  As they where telling them good job I took photos of the team and of jj and chase and of Sam.

falling for the WR     ( Jammr Chase X  renna van Kirk) Where stories live. Discover now