49 - A stormy night

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Giyuu's pov:

I flinched when I heard another clasp of thunder.

I really hate the thunder.

My heart was drumming against my chest as I saw the rain beat down on the glass window like drums. The ticking sound of the clock amplified the tensed music of the room, paring well with the beat of the raindrops that made me feel sick. The night was dark, pitch blackness outside with the occasional flash of lightning made my heart jolt, feeling me with a sense of dread as I tried to distract myself by reading my story. The light flickered and I held my breath, hands trembling with fear and tears welling up in my eyes.

Everything reminded me of that.

The chamber, the dark chamber with nothing but chains and the heavy scatterings that reverberated in my ear.

There was another clasp of thunder and I flinched again, gripping my book tightly as I mumbled the story out loud, repeating and stumbling over words whilst narrating it like I was clumsily casting a spell.

The rain beat harder in the window, making me quiver as the sound sounded so similar to the noise those legs created. The darkness reminded me of the loneliness in the chamber - with nothing but my sanity to entertain myself whilst I was on the brink of death. The pain in my body seemed more intense and my muscles were very sore, almost as if a new sort of pain had been inflicted on my body.




I'm not there, I'm not there, I'm not there!

I'm at the butterfly estate. I'm with shinobu, Im with the kakushis, im with shinazugawa.


Where is he?

Where is shinazugawa?

I panicked, bitting my lips with anxiety as I scanned the room, hoping to see a familiar male in the small walls. I needed him, I really needed him, but where was he?

He provided me with comfort, he made me feel safe, he made me feel like everything was okay.

And I needed it, really badly.

I recalled him saying he had to complete some paper work at the wind estate before coming over, so he should be here by now since he left 5 hours ago.

Could he be late?

I stared out the window.
The storm looked more vicious than before - with the trees bending deeply which made them look like they needed back support, winds blowing harshly like a blizzard and rain pouring heavily like it was some kind of shower.

Is he at home?

I mean, the weather is quite intense so it should be wiser to stay at home.

I just really wished he was here.

Maybe he could help..this.. thing or something.

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