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Izzy's POV

Caleb and I both looked up from our plates when we heard a key twist through the front door of my apartment. A moment later, it flew open and Sydney stumbled through.

"Jesus," she grunted, panting as she set down a handful of grocery bags on the counter. She turned towards us, placing her hands on her knees to catch her breath. "I really need to start working out. Those stairs damn near killed me."

My lips twitched as I stared at her, not quite having the energy to muster up a smile after the previous day's events. Across from me, Caleb returned his focus back to his breakfast, his movements sluggish and lacking life.

"Before you ask, I won't go to the gym with you," I told Sydney.

She glared at me. "Some friend you are," she grumbled and I rolled my eyes. Her sharp eyes flickered over to Caleb and I watched as her demeanor changed. Her hands fell away from her hips and her gaze returned to me, concern visibly filling her features.

I wasn't surprised.

I looked a little better than I had yesterday. My face had lost the puffiness and my eyes were no longer bloodshot. My tears had dried up through the night simply from exhaustion, but Caleb...

Caleb looked utterly and completely devastated.

Even a complete stranger would be able to see it and it killed me.

Last night, he'd been trying to hold it together for me. I'd realized that when I'd woken up today, and along the way, another vicious truth had creeped up on me.

What if the truth about our dad had brought back difficult memories for Caleb?

The knowledge of what he'd gone through still made my stomach churn every time I thought about it. It didn't matter that he'd been going to therapy for the past two years to cope with what had happened to him. It didn't matter that he had told me himself one day that he was okay and he'd continue to be because he had us.

I knew better than anyone that no matter how alright you thought you were doing, the past would still find ways to creep past the walls you were building.

The thought haunted me, but I didn't know how to bring it up to him. I was afraid to.

"Is everything okay?" Sydney's question pulled me out of my thoughts and I glanced away from Caleb's pale face.

I held her gaze quietly, hoping my expression conveyed everything I needed it to. Sydney, being the observant person she was, understood almost immediately. She offered me a subtle nod, indicating that we'd talk later when we were alone, before she got started on putting away her groceries.

"I think I'm gonna head home." Caleb's voice captured my attention and I turned to him. He pushed away from the table, his red-rimmed eyes flickering up to meet mine for a brief moment. "Are you gonna be okay?" He questioned in a hollow voice that hurt my heart.

My chest constricted as I took him in; my eyes sweeping over the slumped shoulders, unruly hair, and dark crescents shadowing his eyes. Instead of answering, I said softly, "are you?"

Caleb held my stare, saying nothing in response.

I stood up and stepped towards him. "Can I do anything?" I asked, speaking past the lump lodged in my throat. "Maybe you can see your therapist today or— "

Caleb cut me off. "I'll be fine, Izzy," he said quietly and I stared at him. Caleb sighed, obviously seeing the distress in my features, and moved towards me. He wrapped me up in his arms and I pressed as close as possible to him. I buried my face in his shoulder as I closed my eyes, wishing I could take his pain from him. I didn't think I could carry it myself, but it would be better than having to see him hurting so much.

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