Background and oc!!

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Name: Kokoro Shimura
Age: 15 (season one Mha)
Birthday: April 21st
Family: both parents dead and brothers location unknown (Tenko Shimura)

Personality: kokoro is a very preserved person and feels like she is the only person who truly was ever there for her so she only relies on herself, so she tends to be very cold, sarcastic, wity, smart, and over all a stone cold bitch (but funny and caring af if you dig into her heart far enough).

Quirk: water manipulation

When she was younger before she started trying to develop and improve her quirk all she could do was use her hands like a shower head, kinda like when your in the shower and a sad stream was water flows off your hands and you think you have powers (just me? Ok.)

But now she can entirely manipulate any body of water and change its atomic structure. She can manipulate water from within or outside of her even if it's the smallest droplet and can change its speed, size, temperature, strength and shape. But it took awhile for her to get here and she still doesn't have a full handle on it.

Quirk drawbacks: she can get easily dehydrated and can cause Hallucinations and fatigue. So she always has water on her. (Stay hydrated)

Everyday looks: (credits to picrew)

Everyday looks: (credits to picrew)

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Hero costume:

Backstory Kokoro grew up with her parents Nao Shimura and Kotaro Shimura, her two siblings Tenko Shimura her elder brother and her elder sister Hana Shimura

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Kokoro grew up with her parents Nao Shimura and Kotaro Shimura, her two siblings Tenko Shimura her elder brother and her elder sister Hana Shimura. A pretty big family but kokoro was younger by quite a bit and when Hana left for college and didn't look back things changed.
Her parents bullied and neglected her and her brother, physical and mental abuse but only mental for Tenko, they were scared of him once he developed his quirk. Tenko was her only true friend when one day she woke up and he was gone, her parents dead on the floor.
Kokoro was only young and had just developed her quirk which her parents deemed useless, Kokoro was only a child and yet had been through so much and her parents death didn't really phase her much because of how much she resented them but Tenko abandoning her took a toll on her which would change the course of her life.

Kokoro was in a state of shock and sat with her parents empty bodies for three days until social services showed up and took her away to an orphanage where life wasn't much better, she was quiet and an easy target for bullies in there, the kids were ruthless so Kokoro kept to herself. She was alone for years and felt as though she should give up, sitting up on the rooftop of her orphanage home building in the middle of the night...

— That night—
I sat there dangling my once white socks over the edge, the wind blowing in my hair, tears forcing themselves to be made known on my lifeless face.

"What's the point. You're all alone Kokoro" I mumbled to myself staring at the city below

When all of a sudden I heard a quiet 'woosh' behind me, startled I whipped around to see what it was, staring blanking into the night behind me

"Who's there? I swear I'll break your jaw if it's you again Chishiya" I spat while quickly whipping the tears that escaped my eyes

"Break my jaw? That wouldn't be very hero like now would it kiddo?" A deep voice chuckled, as a tall scruffy man with long dark hair emerged from the smog on the rooftop

"Hey! What are you doing up here man? This is an orphanage not a homeless shelter" I scoffed at the man, until I realized who I was talking to but it was already too late

"Rude. But I could say the same to you? What are you doing up here all alone this late?" He asked coming to sit next to me on the ledge of the building

"I- um well, I just wanted to have a look at the view plus I can't sleep without all that ruckus downstairs EraserHead Sir" I mumbled back to him hoping he wouldn't ask anymore questions and just leave. I didn't like heroes but funny enough something about him made me wish for hin to stay.

"Ah so you do know who I am?" He said with a little smile curling at the sides of his mouth, something any person wouldn't notice but fortunately I'm not any person

"I may be an asshole sir but I'm not an idiot of course I know who you are" I retorted facing forward once again

After a few moments of silence, which surprisingly wasn't awkward or awful for once or interrupted but yelling or an unnecessary comment on my quirk or appearance

"It is a nice view I must admit, gives a sort of point to life" he sighed, emphasizing on the 'point'

"You heard me" I said more as a statement rather than a question

He sighed before he spoke again "I used to think like you kid but not as young as you, until I decided that I wanted to help people who had to live the way you do, I became a hero not for the fame or money but so I could help those in need and to prove to those who doubted me that I was something" he smiled slightly but not staring at me just looking out at the view but I couldn't take my eyes off him.

How could he understand me? Or even want to be near me?

"I- I've always wanted to be a hero but my quirk is useless, boring it's like pissing out my fingertips" I sighed slamming my head down into my hands

"You are useless kid" he stated

"WHAT KIND OF HERO SAYS THAT TOO A KID?! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE MAN?" I shouted turning to him perplexed

"What are you gonna prove me otherwise? Show me what you're made of?" He started standing up and taking my hand "what are you 10? I want you to work hard and I mean really hard and one day prove me wrong, show me what you're made of kid" he said sort of  shoving me in the chest, nearly knocking me over

"I get those assholes calling me useless but you're a hero! I'll show you man, I'll show you how great I am" I yelled back at him, shoving him back

Then he smiled. Really smiled.

"Good, show me how great you are kid by becoming a better hero than I am" he said placing his hand on my shoulder and handing me a 'UA' flyer before disappearing into the night again

"I-I that won't be hard! You can't be all that good if you're calling random kids useless!" I yelled out into the night hoping her can hear me, hoping he'd come back.

"Thank you"
From then on Kokoro dedicated her life to improving her self and her quirk to become a hero

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