Chapter three

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Authors note- I'm changing it to first person so sorry for any confusion
I stood my feet locked into the concrete, staring up at the battle field doors, which were unnaturally huge.

Do giants go here or something?

I looked around, checking out the competition to try calm my nerves while waiting for the exam to start when I noticed that purple haired boy from before shaking with his hands in his pockets

Come on Kokoro put in an effort I know we hate people but a hero wouldn't just stand around and watch some kid have a mental breakdown

"Hey mop head, you alright?" I asked, struggling to not sound like a total bitch, walking up to him

"This exam is totally unfair. Only kids with flashy quirks have a shot at getting in, how am I gonna get in with a quirk as villainus as mine..." he mumbled he fists clenching as he stared daggers into the floor so that I wouldn't see him tear up.

"What do you mean?" I asked trying to understand him

"My quirk doesn't work on robots, I'm being set up to fail just by being here" he spat

"Well with an attitude like that you are, don't just not try because you think your quirk is useless, I've been there trust me... the names Shimura by the way" I comforted him reluctantly, but I did feel bad I know how he felt, I've felt like that before.

"I- uh thanks Shimura, I'm Shinso" he smirked, his eyes a little red from crying which he tried to cover up by looking down at the floor earlier.

Before we could say anything else the massive stone doors started to open in front of the crowd of students, which we were at the back of.

Shit this is what I get for trying to be a good person, I'm starting off at the bottom!

"SAVE SOME ROBOT ASS FOR ME!" I yelled while quickly trying to catch up to the other candidates.

The battle field was like a massive urban city, so signs for water sources, that's not good.

I can still use my quirk without any sources of water but using it a lot makes me extremely dehydrated and causes Hallucinations so I can't rely on my quirk for the most part.

"This is gonna be harder than I thought" I mumbled while running into battle, shinso not far behind me when all of a sudden we came across our first enemy.

A three pointer quickly rounded the corner of one of the city buildings, thrusting one of its metal arms in my direction.

Without a second of doubt I slid to the left, pulling shinso out of the way in the process, making its robotic arm narrowly miss us.

"Sorry for saving your ass, but we can't work together forever we have ten minutes to gather points so please for your own sake try." I said bluntly to shinso, while hiding in the shadows beside the city building, with the three pointer sort of just standing around.

Shinso nodded and ran off, leaving the three pointer to me.

Before someone could steal the points from right underneath me I jumped into action, since I can't use my quirk I analyzed the make up of each of the robots on the way to the battle field.
The three pointer has an open weak point in the crease of its neck, if you hit it fast enough and at the right angle it explodes.

I jumped up without another seconds hesitation and slammed both my legs into the crease of its neck at a 50 degree angle causing it to explode before me

"HAHA DAMN ROBOT SUCK MY-" I yelled before I was interrupted by a gang of two pointers
23 points I only have 23 points Im so screwed, damn it Kokoro you wasted your time teaching some purple haired freak to love himself, this is what you get for trying not to be a cold bitch.

There was only a minute left and I had only got 23 points when all of a sudden a massive explosion went off behind her in the battle field.

A swarm of dust flooded her vision and when her eyes cleared again a massive robot stood there, much taller and stronger than any other robots they have faced before.

The zero pointer.

The rest of the candidates ran past her, pushing and shoving her out of the way, screaming in fear.

But I couldn't move, my feet were stuck there, trembling, I couldn't tell if I was scared to run or scared to lose by standing there and facing that thing.

UA wouldn't just throw in a zero pointer this big for no reason, there's got to be other aspects I'm missing here?..

Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted but a familiar groan not so far infront of her.

A purple haired boy was stuck under the rubble with the zero pointer slowly getting closer. He was gonna be crushed.

Damn it damn it DAMN IT

She had no time to think, no time to consider the other factors of the exam or if destroying the zero pointer was a waste of time.

Kokoro sprinted in the opposite direction of the other candidates, towards shinso who was trying but failing to crawl to safety.

Kokoro raised her arm and sourced a tidal wave of rapid water from her arm and crashed it under the foot of the zero pointer as it tried to take another steep on top of shinso, without a second glance to see if her plan worked she used her quirk to wet her feet, making her pick up speed, and swung on her knees to grab shinso from under the rubble.

The tidal wave she sent under the zero pointers foot, knocked it off balance at just the right time, it suddenly fell backwards sending a huge gust of wind into the candidates but once it hit the floor, Kokoro knew it wouldn't be a problem again. The street floor erupted, sending concrete up into the air as the zero pointer plummeted into the ground.

But luckily Kokoro and shinso were off to the side as Kokoro was able to drag shinso out of the way just in time.

"I didn't need your help Shimura I totally had that-UGH!" Shinso groaned clutching his leg.

"Yea sure you were definitely about to destroy that thing with your busted leg" I scoffed falling to my knees beside him

Damn it I'm super dehydrated, I-I think I'm gonna pass out but I have to get more points if I wanna pass-


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