Chapter two

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'UA High School Hero Course Exam Orientation' the sign read outside the exam hall

After seeing EaserHead at dennys nearly 25minutes ago, Kokoro almost bolted out the shop and ran to the high school, praying that after all her hard work she wouldn't just stupidly not even attend the entrance exam.

Orientation card in hand, she pushed open the heavy wooden doors to the hugely quiet exam hall, and found her seat next to a purple hair boy who surprisingly looked more tired than her.

"What's up UA candidates! Thanks for tuning in to me! Your school DJ!" Present mic announced from the brightly lit stage below a huge tv screen that read 'UA' in massive yellow writing

"Come on a let me hear ya!!" He yelled throwing his hands in the air with glee, only to be met with an utterly uncomfortable silence

Yikes tough crowd

"Keeping it mellow huh? That's fine" he shook with embarrassment "I'll skip straight to the main show, let's talk about how this practical exam is gonna go down okay??"

"ARE YOU READ-AYYY!!!??" He shouted out to the crowd "yeahhh" he answered himself

Kokoro had to stiffle her laughter

"Like your application says today you rocking boys and girls will be out there conducting ten minute mock battles in super hip urban settings!"

Suddenly the big screen changed to show the different play fields from A to G

"After I drop the mic here, you'll head to your specified battle centers sound good?" Present mic announced reminding Kokoro to check what battle feild she's in

"Huh looks like we're both in battle field C, hope you don't get too disappointed when I steal your chances from right underneath you" the purple hair guy chuckled slyly showing me his exam card

"You'll eat those words when I mop the floor with that air filled head of yours" I scoffed back at him

He looked at me baffled before facing fowards again "we'll see about that" he smirked

"Okay okay let's check out your targets, there are three types of foe villains in every battle center, you'll earn points based on there level of difficulty! So you better choose wisely! Your goal in this trial is to use your quirk to raise your score by shredding these foe villains like a mid-song guitar solo!!" Present mic announced displaying information on the glowing screen above

"But check it, make sure you're keeping things heroic, attacking other examiners is a UA no-no, ya dig??"

"Excuse me sir, but I have a question" a blue haired boy with glasses interrupted

Oh here we go

"Hit me!" Present mic smiled

"On the print out, you've listed four types of villains not three, with all respect, if this is an error on official UA materials, it is shameful! We are exemplary students, we expect the best from Japans most notable school, a mistake such as this won't do!- additionally you with the unkept hair, you've been muttering this entire time, stop that. If can't bother to take this seriously than leave! You're distracting the rest of us!" He bellowed into the exam hall

"S-sorry" mumbled the boy with the unkept green hair whom kokoro recognized,

Midoriya? I was in that kids junior high class, I doubt he remembers me since I never really made myself known, he's here? I thought he was quirkless? Hats off to him for still going even with that hotheaded bakugo kid in our class who was always on his tail about it

"Alright alright examinie number 7111" present mic said cutting off that awkward moment between midoriya and that pretentious blue haired prick.

"Thanks for calling in with your request, the forth villain type is worth 0 points! That guys just an obstacle we will be throwing in your way, there's one in every battle centre, think of it as a hurble you should try to avoid, it's not that it can't be beaten, but there's kinda no point. I recommend my listeners try to avoid it and focus on the ones top of the chart!" He finished

Zero points? UA wouldnt just throw something like that out for no reason

"Thank you please continue" the blue haired boy stated before sitting down again

"That's all I got for you today! I'll sign off with a little present, a sample of our school moto! As general napoleon Bonaparte once laid down, 'a true hero is one who over comes life's misfortunes' mmmhm now that's a tasty sound bite. You ready to go beyond? Let's hear a PLUS ULTRA!!!... good luck let's hope you practiced hitting more than just books!"

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