Chapter one

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Kokoro Shimura was 15 now.
As the cherry blossom leaves blew in the wind over her head, Kokoro was back on that rooftop, just like she was every day and every night after that night whenever she could.

"AGHH!!" She yelled while slamming the training dummy into the ground.

Kokoro never told anyone about her desires or wishes to be a hero or in fact anything about herself, not like anyone whom she knew cared all that much anyway.

Tomorrow was the day of the entrance exams for UA. So she had been working her ass off for years to get in, physically and mentally. Not to mention she got a great handle on her quirk too. She hada fighting chance.

She huffed and puffed while she slid her back down the side of the building, brushing the sweat running off her forehead.
Chugging down her water and staring off into the cold night again just as she had done many moons ago when her outlook on life had changed forever.

"I'll show them, all of them, I'll be better than any other hero out there just because I can!" She yelled into the night, her voice horse from working out all day and night for months.

"I'll show them.."
'HAHHA! What kind of quirk is that?'

'Weak little girl, come here'

'Don't even try, might as well just kill yourself now, sooner rather than later'

'Why don't you go cry to mommy and daddy? Ohh that's right..'

'If I looked like you and god had the audacity to give me a shitty quirk like that I think I'd cut myself too HAHA'

These words spun around Kokoros mind as she slept that night when finally she fell into a deep sleep hoping it would just go away

'Mommy? Daddy? Where are you.. Tenko? What happened?.." the little white haired girl sniffled as she walked into the scene

There was no blood, no screams just pure evil silence as she stared down at the cremated corpses of her parents, no tears fell from the child's face as she stood over them

'Tenko? Are we free?..' the child sobbed looking around for her elder brother


She was all alone.
Kokoro shot up in her dark room in a cold sweat , reaching around for something or someone to hold onto but it was still all the same, nothing had changed since that day.

She was all alone

"Tenko?" She gasped for air, throwing her duvet off her  scarred skin.
Delusional and dehydrated she reached for the glass of water on her bed side, rubbing her eyes praying the memories would wipe away as quickly as the tears did.

Kokoro wasnt much a crier or an over all emotional person, she taught herself from a very young age that if she stayed quiet and out of the way not making any noise she wouldn't get hurt. So when she did need to cry she'd usually woman up and stuff her emotions down into her feet or go to the rooftop to scream it out.

What? It's refreshing.

"Pull your shit together Kokoro today is the practical, and you can't fail" she said to herself as she forced herself out of bed.
The room around her was supposedly hers but it never felt like that, these four dark green walls and creaky hard wood floor on the top floor of the building with only one window that led to the fire escape never really felt like home to her but Atleast she had her own place in this shit hole.

She checked the alarm clock on her bedside table. It read 6:35am in luminous white text.

'Shit, do I have time for an early workout and a shift at dennys?' The sleep deprived girl thought to herself

From the outside it seemed like a safe and happy place for kids at the Sun and moon orphanage but on the inside it was nothing but neglect and bullying. Kokoro had to earn her own money just to get by, sure she was given food and water and a roof over her head but that was it, other than that she was all alone.
So Kokoro worked 3 days a week after school at a little ramen shop down the road called dennys, Ms.Denny was a Canadian woman who moved to Japan nearly 20 years ago and according to Kokoro she was the sweetest woman on the planet so working there was probably the nicest part of her week, plus she got paid too.

She groaned as her arms pulled her gym clothes over her head, it was practically muscle memory at the is point because she was far too tired to get ready herself.

After she brushed her hair and made herself look a little more presentable she snuck down the stairs and out the front door.

No one else knows she wants to go to UA or that she works expect Denny.
"Morning Ms.Denny!!" She smiled pushing the ramen shop door open with a ding of a bell announcing her presence.

She slid over the front desk and put on her apron as ms Denny came out from the kicten, her grey hair up in a messy bun with colorful bends decorating her braids. A huge smile on her face

"Koko my love! Today is the day are you ready? Oh I'm sure you'll do amazing but I can't help but worry you'll get hurt" she smiled pulling Kokoro into a tight hug.

"I'll be fine, uh- Denny you're crushing me—" she chuckled patting Denny on the back for her to let go.

The shop was a small shop, the only people that ever came in were locals so Kokoro knew them all. To describe it simply, Kokoro always thought the shop had a 'book knok' feel to it, whatever that means.

"One black coffee please" a raspy voice mumbled from the other side of the counter, a voice Kokoro didn't recognize immediately until she spun around so her eyes could meet his.

Tired sleepy dark eyes met hers and she immediately recognized them as the ones whom she met that night on the rooftop, that night she decided she would be a hero

Does he remember her? It's been 5 years surely not.

Then all of a sudden she fell back to earth, you have a job to do Kokoro don't slack off now.

"Uh- one black coffee coming up sir" she mumbled turning away again to make his coffee

Of course he didn't remember, why would he? He probably saves a bunch of sad 10 year olds on rooftops all the time

She handed him his coffee before he stood up and headed for the door

"Exams in half an hour, don't wanna be late do you kid?" He smiled at me before he left again

He remembered.

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