Moving In

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Here's the first chapter enjoy.

The reason why I have been updating slower than usual is I'm having severe cluster migraines lately and sleeping them off most the day.
I am not well from them.
My sleep schedule is also messed up to where I'm sleeping during the day cause of it and up at night.
I'm also adjusting to new medication for anxiety as well since I have high anxiety which can make me relapse with my CPTSD,  I almost relapsed yesterday.
Most my stories have CSA awareness in them and PTSD awareness in them, but this one has autism awareness though.


I shut the trunk of my Chevy Equinox, a year 2019 one, that's black, and it has anime stickers upon it, stickers of Sesshomaru, Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho, Vegeta, as well as some Pokemon, including stickers with Legalos as well as Thranduil in anime chibi art with his giant elk laying by him as he stood.
I had just finished unpacking my boxes into my apartment that I got for cheap, and as well it's a big one, and the reason why it's cheap is because murders have happened in it, which knocked it's price down.

I moved to a neighborhood that ain't too bad, and I was starting off fresh from home in Kansas in Smallville, Smallville was a nice quaint town, and I moved from there, and moved to Gotham to start a new, to start a new life.
My Mom was still in Smallville, she was happily living her senior years there, she's now sixty since she had me late in her life when she just turned thirty.
I'm thirty now, and my Mom when she was pregnant the man left her, when she refused to get an abortion that he told her to get, since he didn't want her keeping me, so he left, never paid an ounce of child support, so my Mom had to work four to five jobs to raise me, but in the end we kept a roof over our heads, and she always put my needs first over hers, which is what a good mother would do.

I grew up poor, and made fun of for it entirely, but now that I'm on my own, me being on my own for the first time, I can continue my career as an author, a spicy book author, but I never experienced anything like sex, so I just imagine the scenes I do in my books, even looking them up.
I never dated or anything.
A virgin at thirty, go figure.

I went inside and started unpacking my boxes, placing things where they needed to go, and I finished in three hours, but I looked at the time upon my cellphone, and it was five in the evening, and I was feeling hungry after doing all that work, so I grabbed my purse and my keys, as well as  my extra charger for my phone, and I left my apartment, locking it, then go to the elevator, pushing the button, and the elevator dinged, and I go inside it, and the doors closed.

I look to my phone, unlocking it, and I decided to call my Mom, though I'm an hour forward than where she lives, I promised her I would call her once I got to my apartment, but I decided to unpack first.

I put my phone to my ear, hearing it buzzing to get through to my Mom, but it went to voicemail.
"Leave your message at the beep."
My Mom's voice says, then the voice box told me to leave a message.

I walk out of my apartment complex and walk down the sidewalk, and say.
"Hey Mom.
I just moved into my apartment, and I'm doing fine so don't worry.
I mean so far Gotham ain't bad.
Call me back when you get this message, love you, bye."
I pressed the red button, and I sigh, and as I walk, I was looking for any good restaurants nearby.

Sirens soon blared behind me, and I stop walking, turning to the noise, since the sirens were hurting my ears, making them pop, since I have above average normal hearing.
I flinch as my ears popped again, and I blink in shock as I watched a van with a spray painted clown face on the side and front hood, zoom by me, and people were sticking themselves halfway out the window, shooting with assault weapons at cop cars that chased it, and one cop car's tire popped, and it flipped over, heading towards me.

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