Hi Ho Batman!

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Here's the next chapter........


I arrived home, shocked by what all happened, and seriously I was held at gunpoint, and the police came late, but that black caped crusader showed up at the last minute too, him shocked I was at that diner, and he asked me questions, in what the man looked like who held me at gun point, and I explained the man's features, and that black caped crusader who called himself Batman told me that the man I met was The Joker, and I kept it to myself that The Joker was my landlord, because if I told Batman that, I bet he'd say for me to move out, and I can't afford to move out, because everywhere else charges an arm and a leg for rent, so I'm stuck with this fancy apartment that's cheap for now.

A few days went by after that incident at the diner, and I had my internet installed, it's a high speed internet, and I was typing away on my newest story I'm working on, about a mafia guy just like The Joker....well meeting The Joker inspired me to write this story so to speak, and also Batman explaining me The Joker is a mafia guy, the head of all villains in Gotham, which is unsettling he wanted my phone number, but he hasn't called me nor texted me, so it seems I'm safe for now, safe from The Joker.

So far I'm working hard, eating Kimchi ramen, and drinking coffee to keep me going, and so far the book is turning out good so far, though it's an erotic romance, very erotic indeed.
Spicy as hell.

"I bet my fans will love this book.
I just know it."
I mutter as I sipped coffee in my Gundam Tumbler.
I type away more, and my phone buzzed, and I look to my phone, seeing a number I don't know text me.

The text says.
Helloooo beautiful.

I blink, remembering that Joker guy said that to me at the diner a few days ago, so I stop typing, and save my work, then I pick up my phone, unlocking it, and replied to him.
Hello weirdo.

I set my phone down, and stand up, and stretch my body, my arms over my head, and I made a whiny noise, and a text popped up on my phone, saying.
Are you always this way doll?

I pick my phone up texting him back.
What do you mean I'm cute?

He replied.
You stretching and making cute whimpering noises.

I felt my heart thud in my chest, me looking around, wondering if he put hidden cameras in my room.

I reply back.
How do you know I'm stretching like that?

He replied in a text back.
I have my ways doll.

Great he won't tell me if he put cameras in my apartment.
I feel really unsafe now.
I thought to myself, me not wanting to admit that outloud.

Anyways doll.
What are you doing on your computer so much?
He then asked me this through text.

I'm an author, so it's my job to be on the computer alot.
I tell him through text, sassing him next.
Why do you care?!

I was wondering what my girl does all the time.
He replied back through text.

I glare at my phone, at his text.
The audacity he thinks I'm his woman is getting on my nerves as I reply to him through a nasty text.
I ain't your fuckin girl!
I belong to nobody only myself!

You gave me your number so you are my girl.
He says in a text rather calmly, no exclamation points like I did.

You forced me to give me my fuckin number at gunpoint!
So I had no choice you insolent moronic fool!
I reply in the text harshly, berating him, me angry at him spouting such nonsense.

Crazy For You {Joker Romance{18+}Where stories live. Discover now