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Here's the next chapter........

Warning Mature Content ahead, meaning Slight Non-Con.....

New cover!

I turned my head to the side as I woke up, and sighed, me feeling groggy still, but I got up and made my coffee, my eyes halfway open, and once my coffee was done, I made it up, mix with sweetener, and put canned whip cream on top, and I sit with my Stitch cup, sipping my coffee, as I had the news on.
"Breaking News!
The apartment complex in West Side of Gotham had a shooting occur out front of the complex, and Batman interviewed the victim of the gang members who were hassling her, and she details she does not know who shot the gang members."
The reporter says and I blink in shock at that, and that describes me entirely.
"Report is that she's safe, and that's all that matters, reporting by Batman himself."

Batman....he seemed concerned I'm living here too.
Like as if he knows this place is bugged, and has cameras, as if he knows that green haired clown makeup faced dude is my landlord.
He saved my life, but threatened me yesterday in a text.
How I'm going to survive this kind of toxic landlord is beyond me, but I'll find a way to do so.

"Batman and Superman are holding an event to help kids with cancer, help raise funds to pay for their treatment.
It's a carnival, and tickets are only ten dollars each for adults and five for kids.
Come enjoy the carnival being held at Gotham's Central Park!"
The news reporter says on the TV.

A carnival sounds fun, so I might go.
I thought to myself.

"The carnival is going on for three weeks starting tomorrow, so please enjoy the rides and good food!"
The reporter says cheerfully.
"You can get the tickets at the local police station."

"Sounds fun.
I haven't had fun in awhile, so maybe I'll go tomorrow?"
I mutter to myself.

Anyways, Mom has been saying I need to do more fun things instead of mopping around the house like I always do.
I thought to myself.

I wrote a note to myself to get the tickets on the fridge, and then go to my room, me grabbing my laptop, and started working on my latest project that I was fifteen chapters into.
I started typing where I left off, me leaning against a pillow, and against my wooden headboard of my bed.
I hummed a random song in my head as I type, a certain part over and over, and my phone was to the right of me by my hip, and it let out a notification sound.

I look to my phone, seeing a text from that guy that claims to be my landlord, and he admitted cameras were installed that I couldn't see.
His text popped up asking me.
What you writing?

I replied after I unlocked my phone.
None of your business.
Then I set my phone down, and started typing away until he texted me again.

It is my business!
So tell me!
He sounded pissed I shrugged him off by saying it wasn't his business.

I text back.
No, so leave me alone!

You little cunt, you'll regret defying me!
He rage texted me.

Try me!
I'm not so weak as you think!
I retort back.

Why you!
I'll show you in a minute!
He replied angrily.

He's coming here?!
I thought to myself in shock.

I felt cold chills going through me, and I eventually heard a banging on my door.
I get up and nervously answer the door, me opening it, and I go wide eyed that the green haired guy with clown makeup on his face was there, him wearing a purple and green suit.
He smirked at me.
"Hello doll, I came to visit and teach your vile mouth a lesson!"
I shut the door in his face.
"You little tramp!"
He grits out behind the door.
"I'll evict you if you don't open the door!"
He grumbled out behind the door.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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