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In 2023 buskers and street musicians started disappearing in different cities and towns throughout Canada. None of the cases have been solved and the police don't even have a suspect.

Rachel's POV

Today is the day that I leave for University which means I have to leave Lost and Found and say goodbye to everyone. Right now I'm saying to goodbye to Mr. T but something seems off.

No One's POV

Mr. T: "Rachel I know I don't say this much but I'm so proud of you and I can tell that you are going to go far with your music career. I'm going to miss you so much and no other musician who comes here will be able to replace you."

Rachel: "Thanks Mr. T but don't worry I'll be back, this isn't the last you're going to see of me."

Mr. T: "Well that's great to hear."

Rachel: "Do you mind if I take one last look around the studio before I head off?"

Mr. T: "No not at all, help yourself."

Rachel: "Thanks Mr. T I appreciate it."

Mr. T: "No Problem."

Mr. T's POV

It may seem like I'm going to miss Rachel but actually I'm not. I'm not even going to see her again after tonight. In fact no one at the studio will, not even her best friend Leia. Which is why I'm letting Rachel stick around for a little longer as she has no idea what's coming for her.

Rachel's POV

That whole conversation with Mr. T was really weird. In fact I think I may need to steer clear of him for a little bit, but I can't as I need to show him something. I'm currently in the Rose Room just reminiscing on all the great performances I've had on stage. If I'm being honest, I'm really nervous as the real reason I'm here to see Mr. T was to show him a new song I've written. I want him to be the first one to see it as I know he has had a lot of experience in music and I think I could get great feedback from him. I head up the stairs and notice that the door that leads into the corridor of Mr. T's office is open which is weird. Usually we have to hit a button for him to let us in. I then hear a noise and look to my left and see Mr. T standing at the end of the corridor.

No One's POV

Rachel: "Ah, Mr. T just the person I wanted to see"

Mr. T: "Oh, ok. What's up Rachel?"

Rachel: "Well I wanted you to be the first one to see this new song I've written as I know you've had lots of experience"

Mr. T: "So no one else has seen this song?"

Rachel: "Nope you're the very first one. I'll just go leave this on your desk."

Before Mr. T can say anything, Rachel runs straight up the Corridor and into Mr. T's office and places the song on his desk. Rachel looks up and sees a monitor with six live feed screens of six rooms. Five of which are filled with people that have gone missing over the years. Two in particular stick out to her as they are two of her friends, Maggie and Theo who were local buskers at Lost and Found that went missing around a year ago. Rachel realises that Mr. T has been kidnapping all these people. Why else would he have a live feed of them on his computer monitor. Mr. T then walks into the office and shuts the door cutting off Rachel's escape.

Mr. T: "You shouldn't have seen that Rachel, you know I'm not going to be able to let you leave now"

Mr. T then grabs Rachel and drags her into the secret room located at the back of his office. He directs Rachel down the stairs into the cellar which is filled with six soundproof rooms. Mr. T takes Rachel over to the sixth room and locks her in there.

Mr. T: "Now in order for you to have a chance of seeing the light of day again or even getting any food you will have to write me good quality songs to release as my own, just like the one you left for me today. If that doesn't work then I will have to find someone else to replace you who will be able to write me quality songs. Hmm maybe Leia or Luke would be a suitable substitute. I think you know what will happen if you need replacing, I won't be able to let you go. So if you don't want Leia or Luke to get hurt and if you want to have a chance at surviving, I suggest you write me good songs."

One Month Later

One night as Rachel is drifting off to sleep, she hears her song playing over the speakers in her room with Mr. T's voice. She realises that Mr. T has taken her song and released it as his own.

The Next Morning Rachel notices a newspaper article has been slipped under her door, obviously by Mr. T. The newspaper article reads that she has gone missing and that her car was last seen halfway between Lost and Found and the University of Ontario which is the Uni she was meant to be going to. Mr. T must have dumped her car in this location. The article goes on to say that the Police are really worried for Rachel's safety but don't have any suspects at this time. Rachel realises that the Police are looking in the wrong direction and that she may never be found. This means Mr. T will be able to keep going on with his really nefarious ways, he may even be a Serial Killer. This means that loads of people, including all of her friends, may be in serious danger.

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