Chapter 3

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No One's POV

Leia: "Guys, come check this out!"

Luke: "What is it Lei?"

Leia: "It's a list of all the victims that have been kidnapped by Mr.T and oh look Rachel's on it!"

Detective Jones: "Who else is on it?"

Leia: "Theo and Maggie!!"

Luke: "Wait Theo's been missing all this time? I thought he was just sick or something"

Leia: "I thought the same with Maggie, I mean she's been a bit distant but she still showed up to band practice until a couple of months ago so I thought she was just staying away completely but I guess now I know why!"

Luke: "Wait, why has Maggie been distant?"

Leia: "I'll tell you later but that's a problem for another time, right now we need to focus on finding Mr.T so that he can take us to Rachel, Theo, Maggie and all his other victims"

Luke: "Right, sorry!"

Detective Jones: "Is there anyone else that you's know on the list?"

Leia: "Yes, there is. Clara, Annabelle and John! There all underneath Rachel's name to meaning that they're probably his next victims!"

Luke: "John's on the list? What the hell, why does he want to kidnap John? We better get to finding him before anyone else goes missing!"

Detective Jones: "Ok well here's the plan, we are going to back to Lost and Found and find his next victims and take them to the station so that they can be safe until Mr.T is found and put in Jail."

Luke: "Sounds like a plan!"

Leia: "Yeah, let's do it!"

Detective Jones: "Alright, well let's go"

Annabelle's POV

Currently I'm just chilling with Eva in the Junction talking and wondering about if Luke, Leia and that Detective guy have found who took Rachel.

Annabelle: "Do you think they've found who's kidnapped Rachel yet?"

Eva: "I don't know but I hope they have!"

Annabelle: "Same"

Then all of a sudden Luke, Leia and that Detective James, is it? I don't know but anyway they come up to me and say that they need to talk to me about something really Important. What about, I don't know but what I do know is that if a Detective is involved then it must be Important.

Detective Jones: "Annabelle, we need to speak to you privately please"

Annabelle: "Why? Is everything ok?"

Luke: "Everything's fine but you could be in serious danger if you don't come with us right now"

Annabelle: "Why?"

Luke: "Well we discovered that it was infact Mr.T who kidnapped Rachel and we found out that you're one of his next victims"

Annabelle: "Wha-? Are you serious, how'd you find that out"

Leia: "We found a hideout that belongs to Mr.T and inside we discovered a list with all of his intended victims on it with you being one of them and since your name was under Rachel's, we thought you might be one of the victims he's going to kidnap next as well as Clara and John"

Annabelle: "Wow, well want am I meant to do? I can't stay here!"

Detective Jones: "That's actually why we're here, Mr.T has gone off somewhere and we don't where he is meaning that you could quite literally be unsafe anywhere including your own home. So, we have come to get you and your friends and we're going to take you back to police station so that you can be safe until we have put Mr.T in Jail and don't worry we have already notified your parents."

Annabelle: "Ok, well thank you so much for telling me and I know where Clara and John are if you want me to take you to them?"

Leia: "Yes please! That would be really helpful"

Annabelle: "Alright, well let's go"

No One's POV

Annabelle takes them to Clara and John, then they all head off to the police station so that they can be safe and under police supervision.

Rachel's POV

I can't believe Mr. T has made me starve today!! I honestly never thought that he would be that cruel but I guess he can I mean he doesn't even care about the way he's treating us! All he cares about is not getting in trouble. How did he even get to run a studio? He doesn't deserve to if he's just going to kidnap them and force them to write songs for him. Even the thought of him makes me feel sick! I can't believe I ever put my trust in him and I can tell you now after he locked me down here I Instantly regretted everything that I've ever done for him as he is just a cruel human being who doesn't deserve to be around us teenagers. What he deserves is to be in Prison and I'm just so lucky that Luke and Leia have gone to get help to try and find me, at least now I have a little hope of getting out of here. I'm so grateful to have friends like those two and I have no Idea what I would do without them!

Maggie: "Rachel?"

Rachel: "Maggie?"

Honestly with everything that's gone on over the past few months I totally forgot that Maggie was also down here along with Theo! Atleast I have a friend down here now too.

Mr.T: "No talking to eachother please, your not even supposed to know that eachothers down here!"

Rachel: "Ok really? We can't talk to eachother now? Seriously what is wrong with you!"

Mr.T: "Rachel! What did I say about being smart with me? You two are meant to be writing songs for me, not talking to eachother about useless crap and having a reunion!"

Maggie: "Wow! Who hurt you? Seriously because I never knew you could be this heartless!"

Mr.T: "Maggie you're already on your last straw with me so don't you start! Now you two get back to writing songs or there will be consequences!"

Leia's POV

Currently Luke, Detective Jones and I are back at the hideout Investigating to see if there is anything else we can find but currently we have found nothing but the list.

Luke: "Do you's have anything?"

Leia: "Nope, nothing! It's like he knew we were gonna Investigate here so he hid everything except for the list just so we could know that he's been here!"

Luke: "Do you think he'd be back at the studio by now?"

Leia: "He could be. Should we go check?"

Luke: "It's worth a look!"

Detective Jones: "Alright, well let's go!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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