Chapter 2

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No one's POV

Detective Jones: "Ok sir so I'm going to get straight to the point here, do you know or have anything to do with Rachel Martin's disappearance?"

Mr.T: "No why would I?"

Detective Jones: "Because you are the only person that has been reported to have seen Rachel before she disappeared and we have a lot of evidence that leads back to you!"

Mr.T: "What evidence?"

Detective Jones: "That is police business sir I cannot tell you but what I can say is that at the moment you are looking pretty guilty!"

Leia: "Uh Guys, I think I just found the last piece of evidence that we need"

Luke: "What is it, Lei?"

Leia: "Mr.T has six screens that show all six hidden rooms! Rachel being in one them I think this confirms that Mr.T is infact guilty!"

Detective Jones: "Well, what do you have to say for yourself Mr.T?!"

This causes Mr.T to bolt out of his office as fast as he can desperate to get away from being caught and who knows where Mr.T has ended up.

No One's POV

Detective Jones, Luke and Leia than head out in search of Mr.T but they can't find him anywhere. They head back to the Studio to ask the musicians if they had seen where he went but none of them knew where to find him.

Mr.T's POV

I can't believe what just happened and I'm going to make sure that Rachel pays for this! Luke and Leia have no business going and telling the police about Rachel and they certainly don't have any right to go snooping around my office whilst I'm being questioned! Now I must live up to the consequences which is why I'm running away and once they're far enough from the studio I'll head back and check on Rachel because little do they know I also have a hideout not far from the studio and they'll never find me there!

No One's POV

They continue their search but they still have no sight of Mr.T or where he is. They have looked everywhere but still nothing!

Leia: "What are we going to do!? He is nowhere to be seen and who knows where he's gotten off to!"

Luke: "It will be ok Lei, I promise!"

Detective Jones: "Yeah, don't worry as part of the police department it is my responsibility and we are not going to stop this search until we find him and Rachel!"

So, they continue the search determined to find Mr.T and Rachel but little do they know that they are running out of time!

Rachel's POV

I don't know how much longer I can take being stuck down here, I literally have nothing to do and I'm starving!! I've already finished loads of songs and there's literally nothing else to do, I mean I'm just sitting here counting how many bricks make up the wall as that's how bored I am. I just hope I can get out of here soon!

No One's POV

As Rachel is counting the bricks Mr.T comes in and starts yelling at her, leaving Rachel terrified.

Mr.T: "Did you say anything to Leia or Luke!!"

Rachel: "No! How would I have done that? You took my phone away and even if you didn't there's no cell service down here!"

Mr.T: "Well then how do they know that you're missing? Hm!"

Rachel: "Well, you see there's this thing called the NEWS!! They probably saw an article online or something but I had nothing to do with it!!"

Mr.T: "Don't get smart with me! This is serious, I could get in big trouble. The police were just here talking to me with Luke and Leia, they're already suspicious!"

Rachel: "Yeah, well it serves you right to get in trouble! You bloody deserve it, you literally kidnap musicians and hold them hostage so that they write songs for you! You literally starve us until we do what you want and our lives are at risk all because of you!! And your worried about getting in trouble? That just shows where your standards are!"

Mr.T: "How else am I meant to get songs then?"

Rachel: "Write them yourself!! Are you dumb? I thought that was an obvious answer!"

Mr.T: "What did I say about being smart with me? I can literally kick you out of the studio and anyways just because of that your not eating at all Today!"

Rachel: "Wait, so you're just going to let me starve?"

Mr.T: "Yeah? That's what you do when you don't eat for an entire day, you starve! I thought that was an obvious answer! See I can be smart too!"

Mr.T then walks out leaving Rachel with no food and leaving her there to think about what just happened and how she may be in more danger than before and how things may start to get a lot worse very soon.

Mr.T's POV

I told you I would make Rachel pay, didn't I? If she wants to be smart with me and give me a Sassy attitude, then so be it she just doesn't eat for an entire day but next time the consequence will be a lot worse if you know what I mean.

No One's POV

As Luke, Leia and Detective Jones are heading back to the police station they notice an abandoned building just around the Corner from Lost and Found and it makes them wonder if that could be where Mr.T is hiding.

Luke: "Do you's think that this could be Mr.T's hideout?"

Leia: "Maybe, I mean It would be unlike him to not have a hideout considering the fact he hides out in his office all day. Do you think we should go Investigate it?"

Detective Jones: "I think that is a very good idea! Let's go!"

So they head into the building and look around and they find some very interesting things.

Authors Note:

Hey Guys! What do you think they found in Mr.T's Hideout? Let me know in the comments below!

-Love Sarbear

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