Chapter 1

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Leia's POV

Right now, I'm just hanging out with Luke when I come across an article about a girl who's been reported missing. Tears immediately fill my eyes when I notice that the girl in the article is Rachel, I can't believe that my Best friend is missing. I guess this explains why Rachel hasn't answered any of my texts or calls, she doesn't deserve this. Why would someone kidnap an innocent and caring teenage girl? I just don't get how people can be so cruel and I feel so bad for Rachel! I need to find for her and figure out what the hell is going on.

Luke's POV

Leia just informed me that Rachel is the girl who's been reported missing and I'm just in shock, I mean how did this happen? Was she kidnapped?

Leia: "I can't believe Rachel's missing!!"

Luke: "She'll be ok, we'll go to the police and help them find the culprit who did it"

Leia: "Ok, well we better get going if we want to find Rachel as soon as possible"

No One's POV

They look over the articles again and see that she was last seen between Lost and Found and the University of Ontario and so the pair head to Lost and Found to start their investigation.

Mr. T's POV

I can't believe my plan worked! I trap Rachel in a secret room downstairs, take her song to release as my own and put her car somewhere that would lead the police in the wrong direction. No one will find Rachel and if they do, there's a lot coming for them!!

Rachel's POV

It's been about a Month now and I still can't believe the situation I'm in. I just hope I can get out of here soon, I mean I miss my friends, my family and their probably all worried about me and I would do anything just to see them all again.

No One's POV

Luke and Leia arrive at Lost and Found and Immediately start asking everyone at Lost and Found if they had seen Rachel within the past month when finally, one of them speaks up.

Annabelle: "The last time I saw her, she was with Mr. T in his office but I never saw her after that"

Luke: "Do you think Mr.T has something to do with it?"

Leia: "I mean he could and do you guys know his recent release?"

Luke: "Yeah"

Leia: "Well, it contains a tune I heard Rachel humming a couple weeks back and the Lyrics are an exact match to the ones I saw her writing for that tune."

Annabelle: "So, what are you getting at?"

Leia: "Well, if you put Rachel's disappearance and Mr.T's recent song together, it would make sense for Mr.T to be the one that we are looking for. He could've kidnapped Rachel and taken her song to release as his own!"

Luke: "That makes a lot of sense but why would Mr.T do something like this?"

Leia: "I don't know but we best find out"

Luke: "Yeah, I agree, let's go!"

Leia: "Ok, bye Annabelle! Thank you so much for your help!"

Luke: "Yeah, we really appreciate it!"

Annabelle: "It's no problem, Goodluck!"

No One's POV

Leia and Luke then head to the police station to tell the police about the Info they just discovered.

Detective Jones: "Ah, Mr Taylor and Miss Williams, what may we assist you with Today?"

Luke: "We believe we may have a lead on the Rachel Martin case"

Leia: "Yeah, we believe it's our studio head Mr.T as we just spoke to one of our fellow musicians and they said that the last place they saw Rachel was with Mr.T in his office but they never saw Rachel after that."

Luke: "Yeah and he also released a 'new' song recently and we believe that he may have stolen it from Rachel as a couple of weeks ago Leia heard Rachel humming the tune to the song and the lyrics of the song are very similar to the ones I saw Rachel writing a couple of weeks back and there's no way that Rachel would've heard the song or have written a similar one as Mr.T's song wasn't even out yet!"

Detective Jones: "Ok and where is this Mr.T situated?"

Leia: "Back at the studio Luke and I go to as well as Rachel called 'Lost and Found'."

Detective Jones: "Ok, well you two lead the way as I think we might need to do a bit of an Investigation around Lost and Found to see if anyone else knows about Rachel's whereabouts or if they have noticed any suspicious behaviour from Mr.T lately."

Luke: "Alrighty! Well let's go!"

Luke and Leia then take Detective Jones to Lost and Found and they start their Investigation.

Detective Jones: "Ok so Mary, do you know anything about Rachel's disappearance? Like for example where was the last place you saw Rachel?"

Mary: "The last place that I saw Rachel was around the studio. I didn't really talk to her much the day that she disappeared."

Detective Jones: "Ok and do you know anyone who might want to kidnap Rachel? For example, your studio head Mr.T?"

Mary: "Not really"

Detective Jones: "Alright and have you noticed any sort of suspicious behaviour coming from Mr.T lately?"

Mary: "Yes, I have, he has been staying in his office a lot more than usual lately and whenever he's out of his office he always acts weary of all us musicians!"

Detective Jones: "Alright, well thankyou Mary that's all we need. We appreciate your help!"

Mary: "It's no problem! Anything to help you find one of my friends or solve a case!"

Detective Jones: "Ok, Bye Mary!"

Mary: "Bye! And Goodluck with the Investigation!"

Detective Jones, Luke and Leia then ask a few more people about Mr.T and Rachels disappearance and they all had similar answers about Mr.T's behaviour and that they last saw Rachel around the studio.

Detective Jones: "Ok well it seems that Mr.T may be the culprit but we still need more evidence so would you two be able to lead me to his office?"

Luke: "Of course! Let's go"

Luke and Leia take Detective Jones to Mr.T's office and they confront him about Rachel's disappearance.

Author's Note:

Hey guys, I hope your enjoying the story so far. Please let me know what you think and if you have any feedback feel free to comment it below!

-Love Sarbear

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