Part 2

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AN- sorry for the wait ':D

We had been working at the coffee shop for a while now and Aizawa had been coming every morning before work. I believe that I have formed a close bond with him over our daily chats but I only needed him for information. This society is interesting and I only want to learn more. From the sounds of things, the hero system they have in place is corrupt, even a pro hero thinking so. It would be great to screw around with everyone here.
And so that is why I have planned to become a vigilante, being a villain here is too boring, they're all out for revenge and all the heroes follow too many rules, vigilantes don't follow rules and I would love to kill some people, it's been a while since I have. However, info on the movement of heroes would be nice and so I have volunteered chibi to be my spy in UA high school. He has no choice in the matter due to me already signing him up. He's always been the strong brute force guy, much better suited for the hero role than me. And so I told chibi the plan
"HAAAA! Me! A fucking hero! Like hell you bastard!"
I knew I was going to get that reaction from him ':).
"You don't get a choice in the matter, we both want to get home and you are much better suited for being in the lime light than trying to stick to the shadows, literally everything about you screams I need attention" I say, winding him up while trying to convince him. He obviously didn't like that but reluctantly agreed.
~time skip brought to you by my love for the fanfic 'Ace of spades' on AO3(check it out)~
Chuuya's POV
I can't believe the shitty mackerel talked me into this, it's so fucking stupid. Me a hero as if! I swear the first chance I get to get away from this fucking school I'll be gone!
Anyway, I'm at the shitty entrance exams so I need to sign up, do some written test with knowledge that Dazai drilled into my head, then beat up some bitches. I was about to walk in when some blond haired dude walked into me.
"Watch where your going extra!" He yelled.
"HAAAAA!" I yelled "Who the fuck are you calling extra blond haired bastard!" Everyone seemed to be staring at us now.
"I'll blow you to bits!" He replied with what was obviously his attempt at a murderous face, laughable, even a dog was scarier that him.
"I'd like to see you try Bitch!" I yell which only seemed to fuel his anger more. It was at this point that green haired guy Dazai stole the notebook from walked past, this seemed to get the blonds attention off me so I took that time to go sign in, in the building. God this is going to be a pain in the ass.
Dazai's POV
I decided to get to work on my vigilante costume while chibi was taking the exam. I don't want to stand out too much but also would like people to notice me so I went for the classic edgy esk look with all black clothing , my bandages, wrapping them around my mouth and nose alike to a face mask, some black gloves and combat boots. I also have a utility belt with my gun and knife and a few other things I may need like spare bandages and some surprises.
I need to make my debut at some point, may as well start now. So I put my outfit on and left the apartment. I travelled down to one of the more crime filled areas, looking for some small time criminals. I found a few, there were about 5 of them, perfect. I got to work, setting up a couple of traps around them then finding a place where I am visible but only to them.
"Hey you! Who do you think you are coming into the mafias territory?!" Said the one at front. Of course they are a part of the mafia, must be some lowly grunts. I could take these guys easily. Deciding not to talk, I just did the universal sign of 'come at me!' They charged, dumb idea. Three of them got caught in my traps, getting shocked. The other two started charging up their quirks but never had the chance to use them as I touched them, with the one finger uncovered by my gloves.
"What the hell?!" One asked, using the time they were confused, I shot both in the head. I went and shot two of the other three as-well. Leaving the last to spread the word about me along with leaving a mark in the leaders blood on the wall. Then left to stop a couple more crimes.
Chuuya's POV
I swear if that shitty Dazai didn't make me cram for that exam I would have failed. Badly. He somehow found out what the questions on the exam would be, don't ask me how that guy seems to know everything. Anyway we went into the auditorium to get a overview on what we would be doing for the practical exam. It was boring, I just wanted to get into fighting some robots. I got in section G, so I got on the bus. There were a bunch of weirdos on this bus, including some dude with balls on his head and some floating clothes. I'd be surprised if they get in to be honest.
When we got there I got straight into it, breaking down the door fighting all the robots I saw. I heard many people complaining about it and then who I thought to be present mic telling them a hero doesn't get a countdown or some shit like that. I had already destroyed around 20 robots by this point and decided that I would try and help some others to add to the shitty hero act. I helped the invisible girl and ball head a couple times to stop them from getting hit by a robot until the arena started shaking. Now this would be fun! I saw a massive robot coming towards everyone. It seemed like everyone else was running away. It was then I noticed that the robot had a massive zero on the side. I probably zoned out during that part of the overview. I don't really care though, so I went straight for the robot. I powered up, not using corruption, and hit the robot sending it back a good 30 metres then it exploded. It was at that point the exam ended. I hoped that it would have been more challenging but I guess not. I probably got in so there is no need to worry.
I guess I should probably get to the café for my and the mackerel's shift. He better not be late.
AN- thank you guys for reading! I'm sorry about the delay, I have been having so much hw and studying to do 😅. I will try to get the next part out earlier. Thanks again! 

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