Chapter 1 |Trusted Friends|

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-Damien is 10 years old, in 4th grader, best friend is Pip, crush is... Pip- Damien got up as usual and walked out of bed, tired. When he got to school he was immediately greeted by the only person that got him through the day, Phillip/Pip Pirrup.

"Hello Damien!!!" Pip said excited "What do you want now" Damien growled, obviously not wanting to talk, but deep down wanted to listen to him talk for hours. "What's wrong with you today?" Pip asked still admiring his best friend, "Your what wrong" Damien said in a voice that Pip could tell was him just joking around.

"Haha, very funny" Pip rolled his eyes, "Damien loved it when he was angry, he's not that type of person who is a hopeless romantic, he's just more of a coward, he hates when people adore their crush smiling, he just loved it when Pip talked, or when he was angry, or.. well, I suppose he loved everything about Pip, he loved how excited he was to see him, how often he smiled and talked. But he refused to ever tell him.

The only person Damien ever told about his feelings for Pip was the "annoying poor brat"
Which is what he labeled him as. Kenny. Kenny was Damien's friend, they skipped class a lot together and Kenny was the only one Damien could trust with that type of secret. It took months for Damien to admit that he liked Pip, but this is how it went.
*6 months ago* Kenny, listen I gotta talk to you."
"I really like Pip, like, like-like"
"That was random but..."
Damien stared at Kenny for a moment, "You okay?" Kenny asked looking skeptical, "I'm wondering how you were able to ask out Butters without being nervous.." Damien wondered "Oh, it was easy. Just don't be a pus- I mean coward 😅" Kenny corrected himself as PC principal monitored the lunch room.

Damien stared at Tweek and Craig, Stan and Kyle, which Stan and Kyle weren't a thing but, their the type of people who are so close they seem it. "How..." Damien mumbled, "What was that?" Kenny stared at Damien for a moment. "Nothing". "Okay" Damien got up and went to class.

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