Chapter 7 | Kenny Dies

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Damien was not happy with Kenny, and he knew how to get back at him. He will kill Kenny.

He knows Kenny will just wake up the next morning but he will make sure to make his death painful, and I know what your thinking "That's so rude! That's his friend!!" But Kenny has done worse than this to Damien and Damien would just lay back and ignore it, but this was the last straw for him.

The next day Damien asked Kenny if they could go to Starks Pond sense it was a Saturday, and Kenny unknowingly agreed. Kenny showed up where Damien had just finished setting up the plan. He would've invited Pip, or Butters. But they wouldn't have agreed, so he invited somebody who he didn't like, but would do the job well. Eric Cartman.

Cartman was hiding in the bushes watching Kenny and Damien chat until he got the signal from Damien to start the plan. The code word was "Fun" and that's what Damien said, next thing Kenny knew he was being attacked by 3 demons that just popped out of the ground, and then he was killed. Damien and Cartman high fives and then remembered they hated each other so wiped off their hands on their shirt, Cartman coughed awkwardly and then they heard from the houses nearby "Oh my god! They killed Kenny" "You bastards!" My Kyle and Stan.

Damien and Cartman stared at them which the only one they could see was Kyle but they could tell Kyle and Stan were staring at each other, Cartman rolled his eyes "What are your rolling your eyes for?" Damien asked. Cartman stared at him for a second eyeing him up and down.

"Look at how Kyles looking at Stan" Cartman pointed to Kyle and Damien saw the look in Kyles eyes, absolutely mesmerized. "Ohhhhhh" Damien gasped, Cartman shook his head, "Well I gotta go, I don't enjoy talking to you anyways, I just thought the plan was funny with how many times Kenny has called me gay." Cartman walked off  "Alright fata-" Cartman turned around before Damien could finish his sentences and glared at him, Damien just walked off before finishing.

The British Boy | SOUTH PARK | Damien x PipOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz