First Encounter- Chapter 1

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Hajime was frightened, he could swear that he felt something off but hell this entire time he felt off about this.. although he could've sworn that he saw some sort of animal some time ago.. he couldn't tell what one it was.. and as he was walking it went up to him.. but it didn't show any aggressive behaviors. Hajime was sure that this lion was at least friendly, that was good at a time like this.

The lion was slow in his approach, careful not to frighten Hajime, soon his face touched Hajime, and he purred in happiness. Hajime didn't know how to react, and he didn't know where this lion had got here in the first place.. 'Perhaps it might be one of the remnants.. but why is it not attacking me..?' Hajime thought, the animal continued to purr, "I apologize beautiful seraph.. he wanted to greet you.." A guy said, he had black hair with grey streaks and he wore a mostly black outfit, with thick blank jacket with a fake fur hood that had belts? on it, and he had an long purple scarf with symbols on the end.

The had some paint on his face that had an pinkish/red animal paw on his forehead and gray slash marks on his cheeks, and his eyes were red..... he was one of them... but why did the man want him...? Hajime was suspicious of him and his eyes narrowed a bit. He stepped back a bit, "I wish for you to come with me, I will bring you to safety.." He said, "I don't even know your name.. how can I trust you..?" Hajime asked, and the man fell silent, he didn't know how he could get the beautiful seraph to trust him.

He wanted to make his babies{the animals} happy, he knows that they want the seraph to come home with them, but if giving his name could get the seraph to trust him then that would be good.. "My name is Tanaka Gundham, ruler of the Tanaka empire as the leader of ice." He said, that shocked Hajime a bit, he did not expect that intro.. "Now I ask of you as the same beautiful seraph.." Tanaka- San replied, "I am... Hinata Hajime.." Hajime replied a little skeptical.. he did doesn't exactly trust Tanaka yet.. mostly because of what his friends told him earlier about the people with red eyes..

But... they did say that they are violent and Tanaka hasn't done anything to him yet.. but he remembered what Fukawa- San said about them, about them looking for Enoshima's beloved brother or whatever.. and how he might be him.. but he was mostly worried about Nanami.. he wants to make sure that she is safe.. despite what his friends told him earlier about her and her classmates, "So you are this 'Hinata- Kun' that Lady Nanami speaks so fondly of? I am pleasured to meet you, Sir Hinata." Tanaka- San said, "Huh..? You know Nanami..?" Hajime asked, "That I do Sir Hinata, and if you wish then I could gladly take you to her.." Tanaka- San said, "Okay.." Hajime replied with, he just needed to talk with her..

He wanted to make sure that what he was told was true, he didn't see her in a while after he took up the project.. but it had probably failed, that's why he was still here.. "Follow me Sir Hinata.." Tanaka- San said, Hajime was hesitant but he went with Tanaka- San, he felt uncomfortable with the animals being around him.. but he couldn't simply run away, he needs to be careful about this and plan accordingly.. they soon saw Nanami- San but she was playing on a gameboy like she always used to do.

She didn't look up.. what she wore was her usual blue cat jacket but the hood was over her head and one of the eyes was the Monokuma red one, and she was wearing an black and white button up shirt with a black tie that vaguely smelled like his old cologne that he wore, "Lady Nanami, I brought someone who is great importance to you." Tanaka- San said, "Huh..? Who is it-" Nanami- San saw him, "Hinata- Kun? What are you still doing here?" Nanami- San asked, "I just woke up in an hospital not too long ago." Hajime explained, how long as it been since he woke up? A few hours?

She paused again.. like she used to do, "How are you feeling..? Do you have any pain anywhere?" She asked, "I guess.. okay? I haven't been attacked yet by anyone and I don't feel any pain anymore.." Hajime replied, suddenly one of the Monomi's went up, they were completely pink and they two red eyes, the bunny didn't say anything, "Oh... so these are the two girls destroy the Monomi's that I worked so hard on?" Nanami- San said, "Huh..? You're the one's who created them?" Hajime asked, "Well I mean.. they were mine designs, Monaca just created them." Nanami- San said, Hajime didn't reply, he wasn't expecting his friend to turn out like this.

Well he wasn't expecting any of this happening, "Oh and Hinata- Kun, how the project turn out for you? It wasn't what you expected?" Nanami- San said suddenly, this caught Hajime off guard, how did she know about the project, he thought that only he and the elites of the school know about this. He saw Nanami- San smile, "I think it's best that you go to sleep now Hinata- Kun.. as you would need it when we game again." Nanami- San said, Hajime was confused but he felt pain to his head then he dropped down.


And when Hajime woke up, he saw himself in the pod where the Izuru Kamakura project was happening, and he saw the people doing the experiments then suddenly smoke came in as a explosion went off, it killed off the people doing the experiment then he saw a blonde haired girl with two large ponytails and a girl with short black hair with freckles.

There was something sinister in the blonde hair girl eyes, "C'mon Ikusaba! We can have Hinata- senpai waiting.." The blonde hair girl said.. 'I guess this is Enoshima- San.. and the other one helps her..' Hajime thought, "Coming Junko." Ikusaba- San said, she went into the room and observed Hajime sleeping self, Enoshima- San gave off an wide grin, then she pulled out an USB drive, "What does that do Junko?" Ikusaba- San asked, "God you're such an idiot Ikusaba! Haven't you been listening to me when I talk? Our dear Hinata- senpai has to wake up." Enoshima- San said, "Huh..? But I thought that you wanted Kamakura..?" Ikusaba- San replied, "I changed my mind and besides what great despair is it for when Hinata- senpai wakes up and see everything that he loves is destroyed.. he will be crumbling with despair!" Enoshima- San said with a grin.. this chick wanted him to feel despair..?

But why..? And why him of all people, "Ah.. okay Junko.." Ikusaba- San said, the UBS drive had finally finished what it was doing then the lid to his pod opened up, "I wonder if any talents were put into him yet.." Ikusaba- San said, "Well duh! Of course they did..! Now shit up or else we're going to wake him, now we need to bring him to an hospital so he would be cared for until it's time." Enoshima- San said, "Okay Junko." Ikusaba- San said as she picked up the unconscious Hajime, they carried to where Monaca was, "Monaca promises to keep Big Bro safe until it's time, then we would need to bring him back." Monaca said, they brought him into a van then they all took off.

They took him to the hospital where he woke up in, and they placed him in the room and into his gown, then a few years later passed by and now the whole world was in despair and he was starting to wake up.

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