The Morning After 1 - Waking Up

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...Ok, so I've been sad lately and just binge read the "Sesame Salt and Pudding" manga, but then my brain wouldn't shut up until I wrote this hot mess of a trope for kakasaku. With love, of course. Enjoy ♡


Without opening her eyes, Sakura could tell exactly two things: one, she'd slept naked, and two, she had a throbbing headache.

Through bleary eyes she fumbled for the edge of the blanket in an attempt to tug it up over her face to block out the morning light. I must be really hungover, I can't even see the color green right... But when the fabric caught firmly on something and wouldn't budge she squinted to the side in confusion.

A very large, green, kunai-printed lump appeared to be the cause of the problem. Ugh, I really need to take care of the laundry I've been letting pile up on my bed... She flopped her arms back down in feeble defeat and sighed dramatically. No wonder my parents think I can't live alone...

Suddenly, a very deep yawn rattled the air at the far side of the bed. She snorted in delirium. Hah, that sounds just like Sensei during morning training.

Wait. Kunai pattern? I don't have anything like that?

She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and braced for the sunlight again only to be accosted with a much more shocking sight than just her own too-bright bedroom.

In fact, the bedroom wasn't even hers. And its very familiar occupant was slowly rousing to consciousness.

She shrieked and felt a panicked bolt of chakra race through her arms as she yanked the comforter up over her bare chest, nearly ripping it. "KAKASHI SENSEI?!"

"...nngh not so loud Sakura-chan... I've got a migraine coming on. Gods I'm getting old," he sighed, clearly pained by the loss of his warm blanket and rolling over to search for it. Wait. Loss of his blanket? Why the hell would he lose his...


Sakura scrunched the blanket over her mouth and eyes and screamed into it in utter mortification.

Still feeling very baffled and groggy, Kakashi, too, rubbed his eyes and blinked at her. Ah, she's naked was all his mind unhelpfully supplied. Then he blinked some more. Until, with a shiver, he realized he also had slept naked and was now missing his blanket– and his mask!?

They quickly sprang away from each other, and he immediately swung his legs over the edge of the bed to face his back to her. The recoil was instant but it left them both with a funny feeling – almost like they shouldn't have. But the thinking wasn't going well for either of them at the moment, so whatever that anxious fluttering inside was about would have to wait.

After a few inert moments Sakura spoke tentatively. "Kakashi... I don't- I think I don't remember very much of last night."

Kakashi heaved a sigh of relief. And then another as the dread flooded right back. "Ahaha, drinking that much is really something, huh?"

He spoke noncommittally but under the surface he was terrified. In this exact moment, everything he remembered from the night before had taken a backseat. As if on an S-rank mission, he focused solely on what would come next. It was the feeling that any single action out of line could have crushing consequences. The fact that he had quietly accepted defeat to his undeniable feelings for Sakura years ago hadn't stopped him from vowing to keep it to himself. But he had never seriously considered what he would do if she came to him of her own volition...

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