The Morning After 2 - Breakfast Plans

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Alright y'all, I'm a dum dum and thought "haha I can wrap this up in 1 or 2 more." RIP me, this is gonna take a while bc the outline exploded and I was happy about it >< sorry to those kind souls who voted 🔥 (the smut will end up cooking a little longer)~

Also, I realize it probably sounded inconsistent that Sakura can go out drinking but not get an apartment - but I don't really care lol. In my shinobi-verse you can drink once you're a jonin or "old enough" whatever that is, but to get a house on your own, age matters xD cool? Ok, let's have fun!


Alcohol has a funny way of preventing any chance at sleeping in, so thankfully it was still early enough that there weren't many people out and about yet. But still, some of the old-timers were already awake and puttering around in their front gardens, or clearing off the front steps and sidewalks of their shops. Sakura blushed to realize that although they were quiet and respectful, they certainly gave some very knowing smiles as they bowed to their passing Hokage.

"Ah, to be young again..." she heard one old gentleman mutter pleasantly as he watered his tomato plants.

And a few blocks later, a pair of grannies sitting on their porch swing with their morning tea in hand whispered to each other just within earshot. "Such a handsome couple, don't you think?" The other woman nodded emphatically. "About time, too."

She realized he was right. Everyone already knew. A glow that felt like an awfully strange mix of pride and guilt rose in her cheeks, and it was then that she registered that Kakashi's arm was still wrapped around her. She marveled at how he managed to make it seem so comfortable all this while. Due to their height difference his stride was drastically longer than hers, but he appeared to have adjusted to her pace as if it were nothing. And apparently throwing an arm around her shoulders had managed to rid him temporarily of his chronic slouch. Not bad. She could feel the urge to tease him rising up and gladly let it override the flickers of guilt.

"Who knew you'd be such a cozy husband?"

"I'm always cozy, aren't I?" he said with an eye-crinkle, gently jostling her closer into his side. Good, she thinks this is cozy and not horrifying, even though she's teasing me. He couldn't help the warmth growing in his chest and realized too late that pulling her closer might give away his sincerity. And it wasn't helping that she hadn't flipped out over the senior citizens and their smiley insinuations.

"Well! Tell that to Naruto next time he wants to put his bed roll next to mine." She huffed dramatically as she imagined it, and the motion jostled his arm off the back of her shoulder. He let his hand land around her shapely and firm upper arm instead, steering her around the corner toward the cafe as an excuse to keep it there.

"I won't have to," he said with a chuckle, "because that'd be taking my spot."

She laughed brightly at that and at how the silly painlessness of being with Kakashi was already working to cure her hangover.

That, and the smell of frying eggs and sausages wafting into the street.

Kakashi ushered her through the cafe door in a very gentlemanly manner unbefitting of his usual demeanor, and Sakura couldn't help but snicker at the juxtaposition in her mind's eye. Normally after a night of drinking she'd be banging down the cafe door first thing in the morning, and he'd come slouching in a while after, yawning and eventually joining her at her table despite the plethora of other empty ones around.

But this time, despite the painful headache and ache in his back (ache in his back?!) he led her to a table and pulled out her chair. He even pushed it in for her once she sat down.

Mrs. Lord Sixth || KakaSakuTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon