Chapter Six

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Finn' POV

*Pulls Rachel aside*

F: Hey Rach.

R: Hey Finn. What's up?

F: What were you and Quinn talking about? I heard a loud "awe" come from you.

R: Just her and Noahs first date.

F: (Can tell she's lying) Rachel I know your lying. Just tell me the truth.

R: I can't, I promised her I wouldn't tell anyone.

F: Wow, you're already keeping secrets from your boyfriend! *angry*

R: It's nothing bad, I promise but I have to ask her before I can tell anyone. I promised her, and I keep my promises Finn! *Walks away and goes over to Quinn and Puck*

Well know I've really fucked up! Great, she's already mad at me. I can't believe I got mad over something so stupid. How am I suppose to fix this?

Rachel's POV

*Sits next to Quinn mad*

R: Hey Noah can I steal her away for a minute?

P: Sure. *Kisses Rachel on the cheek because they are like brother and sister*

R: Thanks.

*Puck walks away*

Q: What happened?

R: He got mad at me.

Q: What happened?

R: Well he heard me say "awe" and he asked me what we were talking about and I told him that we were just talking about your guy's first date and he knew I was lying and then I told him that it wasn't my place to tell your secret and then he just got all pissed off. *tearing up*

Q: I'm sorry Rach. I didn't mean for you guys to get in a fight. *Hugs her*

R: It's not your fault.

Q: You can tell him if you want. If you trust him so do I.

R: Are you sure because I don't want us to get in a fight about this later?

Q: I'm sure! Now go fix Finchel. Plus I ould like to spend some time with Puck without you and Finn. *Laughing*

R: Okay *Laughing*

*Walks over to Finn*

F: I'm so sorry Rachel. I shouldn't have gotten mad at you for something so stupid. You were right, it's not your place to tell.

R: It's okay. *Smiles*

F: *cups her face and kisses her) I promise no more stupid fights, okay?

R: Okay, and Quinn said that she trusts you if you wanted to know.

F: It's okay.It's none of my business.

R: Your so sweet, Finny!!

F: And your so beautiful!

R: *kisses him* I love you handsome.

F: Love you too, beautiful.

Finn's POV

*Later at Glee*

When Rachel and I walked into glee, Santana and Brittany came up to us. I knew they wanted to talk to Rachel about our relationship, so I gave Rachel a kiss on the cheek and went to go talk to Puck.

When I was walking over to him, I saw him looking at Quinn. I've never really noticed but they do share glances a lot. I'm glad I finally know why.

F: Hey man.

P: Hey dude, what's up?

F: Nothing much, just giving Rachel sometime with Santana ans Brittany.

P: Oh.

F: What's wrong, you seem upset?

P: I don't know, I guess just deeing you and Rachel in ublic makes me want to be in public woth Quinn.

F: Then ask her.

P: I would but I don't want her to get mad at me.

F: Trust me, she may surprise you.

When I said that I looked over at Rachel and she seemed upset. Great.

Rachel's POV

As sonn as Finn left, I was bombarded with ao many questions I couldn't even comprehend them.

R: Guys...guys...GUYS!!!! Slow down.

S: What didn't you call or text me or anything when this happened? (Mad)

R: I don't know I guess I was just so happy that me and him were together that I forgot t..

S: What, forgot about your best friend who has been there for you through everything!(Brittany left becasue she was scared)

R: San, you know that's not true.

S: Really because I'm starting to believe it! *Goes and sits in the back of the room*

R: *Stands there thinking* Did I really hust looe my best friend?


Sorry it's short and crappy.

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