The 'wonderful' casino incident

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Welcome to

My Casino


I'm The Devil


And this is

my right hand man

King Dice


And you are?




Ah so your the Legendary





Want to join me 





Good welcome to the team

left hand man


"thanks Dev. boss"


*-My name's ______.

*- As long as i get paid so yes I'll join.


"Cuphead! What is rong with you?! Why- why would you join them?!" shouted a person.

"They're  the enemy here not us!" exclaimed a wolf hybrid.

"Too late. You guys suck and these guys rock! Plus who are you again?" replied Cuphead with a smile .

The team is in disbelief. Cuphead can't remember his own brother. They left them alone.

-----------------------------week later----------------------------

"So this was just last week and they just gave up and left ! How pathetic they are ! " Stated Cuphead on stage in front of the hole casino.

The team are also there listening to Cuphead.
The casino were laughing a lot. The bartender gave Bendy his drink and asked:
"Is he your friend?"

"What? " Was all he said.

"Cuphead. Is he your friend? Or did you guys just knew each other?" Asked the bartender again.

" No. We know his brother Mugman. Not Cuphead."

"That's fine. Dev makes everyone forget there past for a while. Then they remember."

"How long till he remembers?"

" In-between a week to a month can't remember when he got here so that's how long you need to wait." Then the bartender left leaving a piece of paper next to Bendy's drink.

'hmm. Might be a good thing. I'll tell them' bendy took his drink and went to Muggs and Boris.

-----------------------------with cup's ----------------------------

"So I told him to fuck off and he left. "

The crowd starts laughing.

"Oi ! I'm not done! ."

They stopped.

"He came back the next day with flowers. And said 'I gave my soul away so I owe you flowers'. Son of a bitch. Now he's my best mate to my wedding of hell."

The crowd laughs again but louder.

"Dev- Dev is okay with hosting it but- but his husband is the ring bearer. And chip is still crying from the day i told him I'm engaged. "

"So moving on from this. Three weeks ago people started calling me a woman not because I was in a dress thanks to a dare. No! Instead I looked convicting enough to be one! Strong, powerful, beautiful woman who will start a fight. "

" you might expect me to say that I've beaten them up but no. instead i went out with a man who is my fiancee. and those men got scared bc of who he is."

the crowd laughs and cup sees the trio with a sad tone.

-------------------with the trio----------------------

" good and bad new. witch first?" said bendy

"bad." - Muggs

" Cuphead doesn't remember anything for now" - bendy

" what?"

" he'll remember after a month of no memory." he said the good news. " that might be soon or in a month

they smiled and hugged each other.

---------------on stage----------------------------------

while Cuphead saw the scene smiled and  he continued on with the show.

" just this morning when dice looked over the script i wrote he went "You can't say that! you'll die by the crowd !" so now i can't tell anyone of you about last month. witch i'll tell you it was chaos!"

-----------------------------------------------you being around bendy------------------------------

" he says some weird stuff" said bendy

"no." said Mugman staring at his brother.


" he makes me smile with these stories." smiled Mugman for the first time after finaly finding Cuphead.

---------------------------------on stage ------------------------------------------

"So when I was younger I went to school right? Like any normal kid will ever be. So that school only had two classes one advanced and one basic. Even though the school itself was huge!"

" i walked to the advanced class because I'm smart. No really that class is for adults, I was a child! Meaning I get A's while they get C's through out the year. And I'm proud. "

"My brother, whom i forgot the name of for the 20th time-was in the basic class and aced that one. plus i helped him with work the kids in his class kept being bad so i beat them up at lunch and after days those bullies are doing minimum wage job or there homeless and dead."

- to be continued... Probably     Kriss-

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