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"Remember that you HAVE to communicate with your partner," Sandra emphasized with a stern expression making Rowan feel like he was back at Sunday school.

"Got it," Rowan replied in a serious tone.

He was back at the dungeon where had been going for the past two weeks at the advice of Chris.

"If you are serious about bondage, you need to learn about it from a professional." He remembered Chris's words when he told him about his growing interest in bondage. Sure, Chris made fun of him for a few minutes but he did help a lot, after cackling like a goddamn hyena.

"I will introduce you to a friend of mine, she owes me a favor so she will give you a bondage crash course," Chris promised, leading to Rowan meeting up with Sandra, a tall woman who exuded an air of dominance that seemed to be amplified by her calculating cold gaze.

The first few days, Sandra taught Rowan the do's and don't's of bondage in theory, then the next days were filled with Rowan attending Sandra's bondage sessions strictly for learning purposes at the request of both Rowan and Sandra's partner.

"And if your partner is shy, you have to try and encourage them to talk to you. Their discomfort not only beats the logic of bondage but also can lead to terrible consequences. " Sandra continued as she helped her partner up, concluding Rowan's crash course.

"Like this one here." Sandra started as she directed a look at her partner, "She was quite shy when we started and still is." She said as she nuzzled her partner's hair.

Rowan sensed that it was time to leave, "I cannot thank you enough for this Sandra." He started as he stood to leave.

"Just returning a favor, plus it brings me pleasure teaching fellow Doms," Sandra replied.

"Oh no." Rowan  started, "I am not a Dom." He corrected.

"Really?" Sandra exclaimed incredulously, "Could have fooled me." She said with an upward curl of her lips.

"Well, whatever you are, it has been a pleasure teaching you," Sandra revealed.

"It has been a pleasure to learn," Rowan replied.

"I take it you know your way out? Sorry I cannot walk you out." Sandra stated.

"Do not worry about me. I got it."Rowan said as he turned to leave.

"Tell me how it goes over a few drinks."Sandra requested, and a wave from Rowan was all she got as a reply. 

Rowan had a few things to do before going home, he had a package to pick up, plus buy groceries and a few other knickknacks. The afternoon sun was still high up promising him that he had all the time in the world to prepare everything before Raven got home.

His package was in a brightly colored adult shop, entering he saw a preppy-looking young man behind the counter.

"Hi, welcome to the Garden of Eden!" He greeted excitedly, "Can I help you with anything?" He offered.

"Yes, actually." Rowan answered, "I made an online order under the name "Ro", I planned to pick it up today." He said.

"Oh sure let me check." The cashier disappeared behind the counter, and a few seconds later he popped back up with a black bag with red strips and a logo of a snake curled around an apple printed on its front.

"Here it is." The cashier said as he pushed the bag across the counter to Rowan.

"Great!" Rowan exclaimed as he took the bag and checked the contents of the bag, "Is there anything else needed?" He asked slightly bobbing his head.

"Oh no no no!"The cashier replied, "Payment was online so you are set." He concluded with a smile.

"Alright, thank you," Rowan said and turn to leave.

"Welcome and have fun!" The cashier replied in a sing-songy voice making Rowan chuckle as he walked out of the shop.

Grocery shopping took almost two hours with the queue Rowan found at the mart, by the time he got home Raven was already getting ready to cook dinner.

"Oh, you are home, and you did grocery shopping!" Raven observed happily as she took the bags from his arms and walked with them to the kitchen with Rowan on her heels.

"Did you buy it?" Raven asked.

"Yes, it is in there somewhere," Rowan replied referring to the sour candy Raven likes.

"Yeah, I saw that we were running out of food and shit." Rowan replied going back to the groceries while watching Raven rummage through the bags searching for her candy, "What are you cooking?" He asked as he sniffed the spicy air that filled the house.

"Fried rice and beef stew," Raven answered as she packed the groceries concluding that she would find the candy after packing everything up.

"Yummy," Rowan exclaimed as he sat heavily at the counter stool with a tired groan.

"Long queue?" Raven asked her eyes not leaving the bag.

"Too long," Rowan responded.

"YES!" Raven shouted after a victorious hunt for her candy making Rowan chuckle.

"Found your prize?" Rowan asked.

"But of course," Raven replied in a posh accent as she shoved the candy into her back pocket with a victorious hmph and got back to packing.

"What is in the red bag?" Raven asked just seeing the bag in Rowan's hand.

"Oh, this?" Rowan started as he lifted the bag slightly above the kitchen counter,  "This is your surprise." He confessed.

"Really?" Raven's eyes grew wide with excitement, "What is it?" She asked as she moved to grab the bag.

"Ah!Ah!" Rowan chastised, "Not until after dinner." He stated.

Raven deflated, "Fine!" She gave in, "What are a few more minutes." She grumbled as she shoved the shopping bag into the drawer that was overflowing with other shopping bags.

Letting out an amused chuckle Rowan asked, "Did you take a shower?"

"No...not yet. Why do I stink?" Raven asked as she sniffed her shirt.

"What! No!" Rowan quickly corrected, "No... How do you feel about a bubble bath?" He asked.

"With you?" Raven asked incredulously.

"As much as I would want to but no, just you Love,"  Rowan replied his voice dropping an octave low.

"I actually would love one." She confessed as she looked up at her husband.

"Lovely." Was all Rowan replied with,

 "I am going to take a shower," He started, "Then come back so that we can eat then..." Rowan paused as he stood from the kitchen stool and walked up to Raven caging her between the fridge and him and looked down at her, "I help you take that bubble bath...Okay?" He urged.

The only response Raven could manage was a nod earning a smirk from Rowan.


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