[15] FORCED MARRIAGE - FEB 10 2023

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Mr Jeon,Jungkook's dad, has never been a part of Jungkook's life growing up. He was always busy with meetings and business trips. Jungkook craved his dad's love and attention. He wanted to make his dad proud and so when his dad finally asked something from him, he couldn't refuse and that was to marry Jimin.


Jungkook and Jimin were college mates. Jimin has always loved the younger boy - being neighbours and all, while Jungkook was in love with A/N, his batchmate. A/N was beautiful but poor,she never really felt anything for Jungkook but having a rich guy as a friend was always a good option and so she stuck with him. She wasn't greedy but why not accept something that was offered to her. Jungkook was excited to have her as a friend for now. He wasn't ready to be in a relationship but anyone who saw them would assume that there was something between them.


Jungkook was against the marriage and even talked to his dad about A/N but he refused. Mr Jeon understood that A/N was an opportunist and would leave Jungkook the second her needs were satisfied. He knew she didn't love his son.

Mr Jeon knew Jimin loved his son and loving Jimin's kind nature and also wanting to make up for hurting Jimin's dad's business in the past, he wanted Jimin to be his son in law.

Jimin loving Jungkook wasn't unknown to Jungkook and so he always faulted Jimin, thinking the boy had manipulated his dad into this marriage for his own gain.


Jimin comes to know the truth about A/N from Mr Jeon, that A/N left Jungkook after his dad gave her money but not wanting any animosity between Jungkook and his dad, Jimin let's Jungkook think that he was the reason behind A/N leaving the man

Needless to say their marriage flopped - Jungkook resented the boy and Jimin was left heartbroken each time


And then one day, Jungkook meets A/N during his business trip to Seoul

Jungkook felt happy seeing her but he was surprised he didn't feel anything special towards her anymore.

"You don't seem to have that excitement anymore seeing me .." A/N chuckles

"It's weird..." Jungkook states "... I always thought that if I were to see you ever again then I would leave my husband and marry you..." Jungkook chuckles "...but now.. it hurts to even think about it... I can't believe I hated him for so long for making you go away from me..."

A/N gulps "....he didn't do anything.... I took your dad's money..."


Jungkook cried hard after knowing the truth. He went back home and apologized to Jimin but it was too late.

Jungkook and Jimin separate even though Jungkook realized that he had come to love his husband. It wouldn't be fair to the boy to be with a cold hearted person like him


Though they part, Jungkook keeps checking up on the boy from afar ...his heart breaks seeing the boy be close to another man


Few months later, Jungkook gets to know Jimin is getting engaged to Taehyung and that's when Jungkook finally gets courage to confront Jimin after his feelings before it got too late

"Why didn't you come earlier?" Jimin asks with tears brimming in his eyes ".. I was waiting for you..."

"I didn't know ...." Jungkook apologetically looks at the boy, his throat closing in a sob "....I didn't know you wanted me to.... I didn't know I was allowed to...." Jungkook sobs ".... I just didn't want to burden you... didn't want to hurt you again...." Jungkook's chest hurt at their lost time "....I love you... I want you.... I need you.... but above everything else, I want you to be happy..."

Jimin softly smiles seeing Jungkook's genuine love for him

"What if I say my happiness is with you?"

Jungkook shakes his head, trying to control himself from breaking down ".... then I hope it will always be true... and that I can be worth it"

"You are definitely worth it even if you realized it a bit late..." Jimin smiles "...I love you Jungkook"

"I love you too Jimin" Jungkook says closing his eyes when he feels Jimin pulling him closer for a sweet kiss

Note: Jimin wasn't engaged, Taehyung reenacted his proposal, rumors spread and Jungkook assumed the two got engaged

The end

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