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Taehyung and Jimin are best friends. Jimin usually hangs out at Taehyung's place, especially because he was in love with the man's younger brother Jungkook

"I love you Jungkookie... why don't you date me?"

Jimin would never miss an opportunity to voice out his feelings to the younger but Jungkook always dismissed the boy's words thinking he was joking. It might be because Jimin would just randomly confess - like the two would be cleaning dishes or playing video games and Taehyung always seemed to be present with them during the confessions and Jungkook couldn't take the boy seriously.

"Why would I date a shortie? I have high standards you know" Jungkook would often tease back

It was their thing


Taehyung feels bad for his best friend. He is the one who gets to see how hurt Jimin gets when his brother ignores him.

"You know Hoseok hyung right? The one I told you about.." Jimin hums "...he told me he is willing to teach you dance for free after his usual work classes... you just have to make him your famous chicken sandwiches...he fell in love with them after I tried to bribe him with it..."

And that's how Jimin started hanging out with Hoseok and Taehyung at the man's dance studio and Jungkook started missing the boy's presence.


"Why doesn't Jimin hang out with you anymore?" Jungkook asks his brother

"It's Jimin hyung for you and we do hang out... just not here..." Taehyung replies

"Why not?"

"He has better things to do now... like getting to know his new dance teacher...." Taehyung winks

"What?! He has a boyfriend?!" Jungkook's eyes widen

"Not yet. But I hope so. He deserves to be happy with someone who would love him back..."

Jungkook doesn't understand why his chest suddenly started aching


The next day

"Wait! Hoseok hyung is Jimin's dance teacher? They are dating? Didn't you like him?!" Jungkook bombards Taehyung

"Huh? So many questions" Taehyung rubs his forehead "...well yes Hoseok hyung is the guy I told you about and yes I do like him but if they are into each other then who am I to stop their love story? Besides love can't be forced"

"That guy isn't right for Jimin..."

"And what makes you say that?" Taehyung looks at his younger brother

"I mean I think he likes you and not Jimin... we need to find out... just be sure..." Jungkook says anxiously

"And why are you doing this?"

"I want you to be happy..."

"You never cared before... why now?" Taehyung tilts his head at the younger man "...is it because of Jimin?"

Jungkook huffs "This has nothing to do with Jimin. He is just my brother's annoying tiny friend, okay? I am just considered about your happiness"


And like that Taehyung finds himself being dragged to Hoseok's studio where Jimin was practicing

"Hey Hoseok hyung!" Jungkook rushes into the room and pulls Jimin from Hoseok's hold "...Taehyungie wanted to talk to you..." Jungkook pushes the two out of the room

"Why are you being with him? He isn't good for you" Jungkook says looking at the smaller "...I can teach you better..."

"Why?" Jimin feels angry "...why are you doing this? When I'm finally ready to move on..."

"Move on from what? And with that guy? He loves Taehyungie okay... and even if he didn't... Taehyungie likes him... I can't believe you would do that to your best friend...."

"Tae set me up with him!"

"Because he wants your happiness! He sacrificed his love for you!"

Jimin tears up

"Fine! I will find some else!" Jimin bumps his shoulders against Jungkook's as he walks out but the taller grabs his wrist, stopping him

"Why? Why do you want to find someone else?"

Jimin slowly turns around "...so I can finally and completely move on from you..."

Jungkook tears up "...but I don't want you to move on..."

"What?" Jimin looks at him in shock

"I'm sorry..." Jungkook reaches out to cup Jimin's left cheek "...I didn't realise that I actually loved you and cared about you since a long time... it's only when you stopped coming over and hung with Hoseok hyung that I realised that I can't see you with anyone other than me... I'm sorry that it took me so long... I'm sorry that I assumed you will always be there even if I rejected you..."

Jimin holds Jungkook's hand resting on his cheek and slowly pulls it away, making a tear drop from Jungkook's eyes

"I love you Jungkook... I don't know how many times I have to repeat myself for you to finally get it... maybe you needed me to drop down on one knee and confess with flowers and balloons or on a fancy date... but I already saw you as mine and I didn't find it necessary to do anything more than just say my feelings genuinely... I'm sorry that I wasn't able to convey my true feelings better..."

"You did.. you always do..." Jungkook caresses Jimin's hands "...you always make me feel special.. I just... I guess I was just afraid that you just liked me for being Taehyungie's younger brother.. I didn't want to believe you..."

Jimin smiles before tip toeing and placing a soft kiss against Jungkook's cheeks "...I love you... now do you believe me..."

Jungkook blushes "...I do but..."

"But?" Jimin frowns in confusion

"I need confirmation..." Jimin frowns "...here..." Jungkook points at his lips and Jimin's eyes widen

"You pervert!" Jimin slaps the man's upper arm

"Aah..." Jungkook rubs his arms as if it hurt

"Kookie.. I'm.." Jungkook hugs the boy tightly

"I love you Park Jimin... will you be mine?"

Jimin smiles as he returns the hug "...I love you too Jungkook ah... I want to be forever yours"

Jungkook pulls away from the hug "I want to be yours forever too" Jungkook pecks the boy's forehead

The end

A/N: Hoseok and Taehyung are in the couritng phase. Taehyung asked Hoseok to help Jimin with his dance. Jimin knew about the couple. All other dialogs said by Taehyung were just to make Jungkook jealous and realize his feelings. Jimin played along after he felt Jungkook's behavior odd.

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