Chapter 1

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My name is Kate Hutson, you probably don't know me, he'll, you probably never knew I exsisted. But by the end of this story, you will know mine.

It all started when I was born, I was born in a hospital like almost any child, but I accidentally blew it up. The thing is, I wasn't considered a human or -normal. I figured out I had a power, like actual magic. It was considered neon, but before I get on to the subject about my power I should tell you more about my backstory.

My powers were out of control when I was a baby so I killed almost everyone in the hospital so the word never got out, just the part of the whole hospital blowing up and still today people are trying to figure out what caused it. They will never know it was me.

My parents treat me like any young teen, no different from any other. Oh and did I mention I had a sister? She's younger than me so I look out after her and she looks out after me. She only younger by about 6 months. Her name is Katlin, named after me, Kate. But she doesn't look exactly like me, but we are still similar in a way. Also, the cause of my purple-like magic, make the tips of my light brown hair turn pastel purple, naturally.

Now to start the subject about my power, you may already know the name of my power, because I mentioned it a little earlier. Neon refers to the ability of absorbing, redirecting and controlling neon light. So basically I can control neon and use it to fight or defend myself.
"Neon beams deals high damage, taking out human sized targets in one or two shots. The beam's travel speed is instantaneous, making it perfect for sniping enemies from a distance. After absorbing neon, Participants can use a variety of abilities such as Light Speed with which can climb buildings as well as briefly dash through the air", I think I got that off a book. I figured out that I can only dash for a few seconds, but I can use a Light Speed and it can last indefinitely. Light Speed can also be used with a jump which allows me to quickly move from rooftop to rooftop. If I use "Dash Execute", I can "cannonball" through my enemies to down them instantly.
There is so much more but I guess I haven't gotten that far yet.

I rarely go outside, Mom is too afraid someone will know my secret, but when I do, Katlin always comes with me, just in case something 'off ' happenes.

But I have some good news so you don't have to be that worried about me and my miserable life. The good news is that this year I will be turning 14, same with Katlin. We were born in the same year just 6 months apart. The bad news is I will be changing schools. I'm not home schooled because my parents are too busy to teach. I never had any friends because i've kept my distance from everyone. I not shy, just scared.

"Come on, Katlin!", I shouted, "Mom and Dad are waiting for us in the truck!". I waited for a response but instead I see a short 13 year old carrying a plain box. I walk closer to her, confused.

"Whatcha got in there, Katlin? I thought you said you already put all your boxes in the car already?" I questioned.
"I know, I know, it's just when we move in we should -well I should still make a first good impression to the neighbors" she said kindly. 'I know I can't' I said in my mind.

As we walked towards the moving truck I kept looking at the plain cardboard box, pondering what was inside. Maybe food? Or a gift card...wait gift cards aren't that big.

"Hurry up slowpokes" I heard Dad say jokingly.
I smile up at him as Katlin and I climb into the backseat.

As the car moved I was surprised I could be calm for a great amount of time, untill I saw the clock, it was 2:35am, my dad has never in his 48 years been up this long. Katlin and my mom, on the other hand, were fast asleep. 'Never mind the box' I told myself 'what about dad?'

As I lean a little closer to see my dad, I noticed he was half awake, I panic afraid he would past out and shake his arm.

These are the facts
*The Hutson's drive off a lower bridge
*Two out of four of them survived
*The commotion was so big, there were police everywhere
*Two thirteen year olds went missing

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