who should we trust

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Vampire. Elena runs away. At elenas House. Elena please. Get out. Please promise you will keep my secret. Ok i will if you get out. Ok. The next day at the school dance. Damon look into vickys eyes. He said come with me. Damon put his blood in her mouth. Then put his teeth biting into her neck. She shouted in pain. Help. Damon look in her eyes saying don't be scared don't shout. Elena walks outside. Damon?. Stefan came out of nowhere. Damon stop. Shut up stefan. Damon snap vickys neck. Elena shouted no. What have you done damon. I did what you did to me. Vicky woke up. Hey vicky look. It's ok. What am i?. A vampire. What that can't be. Stefan. Yes elena. Can you show her how to be a good vampire. Yeah. Ok thanks. The next day. Ok lets get food. Ok can i have. Ummm fish? I don't mean that type of food. Oh what do you mean then? They went to the woods and found a rabbit. Ok eat it. What. Ok i will show you. After they go back home. Stefan your so hot. I am sorry vicky but. Come on. No. Get off me. Come on stefan. STOP. Ok. At school the next day. Hey. Hey. How is she getting on? She getting on alright. Help. Vicky. Damon stop. No stefan. Damon kill Vicky. Vicky elena shouted. Elena walk away in fear. When followed her. Saying its ok. Elena told him to go away

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