The moon stone ritual

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I need elena. Klaus said to elijah. I know. Ok get rose to get her. Ok. A couple hours later. Klaus. Damon and stefan is keeping her safe. Ok kill them. They have a sire bond. Ok make them kill each other. Ok i will try my best. Stefan. Yeah. Come in my room. Hey. Hey can you give me a towel. Yeah sure. Thanks. Stefan. Yeah. I love you. I love you too. Damon. Yeah. Will you make me do anything like kill someone. No of course i will not. I still love you. Even if you did maks me into a vampire. Yeah sorry about That. It's okay. Stefan. Yeah. Take a shower you stink. Ok i will and do a real smell that bad. No i just what to stop talking to you. Ok bye. Bye. Wait were are you going. To take a shower like you said. I was joking. Ok. Oh elena is there. Stefan. Yes. Kiss elena when she walks in. Ok. Stefan kiss elena. Why did you kiss me. Damon told me to. Oh makes sense. I just came to check on you to see if you were still alive. Yeah damon said he will not tell me to kill myself so i am happy. Ok i have to go bye. Bye. The next day stefan was home alone and heard something. Who there said stefan. Someone knocked him down. Lexi?. What are you doing here? That's rude. I came to wish my best friend happy birthday. Well thank you. Of course. Lexi. Yeah? I am sire to damon. Oh. Do you know how to fix it and not be sire to him. No sorry i don't. Oh ok. Why? Because i am sacred he is going to tell me to kill someone i love. I am sure he will not. Tell him how you feel. Ok i will. Damon. Yeah. Are you busy. No why. Can we talk. Sure what's up. I am scared. Why. I think you are going to maks me kill someone i love. Look at me i will never do that. Damon hugs stefan. I love you little bro. Do you what yo go out or doing anything for your birthday. Ummm no i what to hug you. Ok. The window just smashed. What was that. Stefan... lexi came in and kill the vampire. Are you guys okay? Yeah thanks. Thank you. Of course.Elijah broke in the house and compelled damon to tie stefan up and kill lexi in front of him. Damon didn't what to do it but he did. Damon don't. Damon ripped out her heart. Stefan cried and cried. Damon said sorry under his breath. Stefan shouted. GO AWAY. stefan. LEAVE ME ALONE. Stefan i am sorry. Damon task 2 make stefan trun off his humanity. He. Shut up damon and just do it. Damon did everything to make stefan trun it off nothing worked. Damon when back to elijah and said he will not trun it off. Elijah said well make stefan have sex with someone he hates or someone he dose not know. Ok. And task 3 get me elena. Ok i will. Stafan. What do you what. Have sex with rose. Who. Her. Ok.  they had sex.the next day damon give elena to elijah. Elena was asleep. At night there was vampire werewolf and doppelganger. A witch call Emma was on klaus side. They trun ant jenna into a vampire. Stefan did not know about this. Everyone die that night. Elijah felt so bad he made sure elena never died. Klaus trun into a werewolf. Elena ask elijah how is he a vampire and werewolf. Elijah said he is a hybrid. Oh can i see stefan and damon. Sure. Thanks. Stefan hates damon. Why? I made damon do stuff to him. Oh like what. Like kill his best friend in front of him. When? Yesterday. It was his birthday yesterday. Oh really. Yeah. Stefan can you talk to me. No you said you will not hurt anyone. Stefan please. Elijah came in with elena. Stefan open the door. Who is this. I have elena. Don't hurt her. I won't. Look i compelled damon to do that to you. You are lieing vampires can't compell other vampires. Originals can. Stop please. Look i never knew it was your birthday. Stefan came out his room covered in blood...

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